Invasion Earth Season 1 Episode 4
Invasion Earth
Season 1

Ep 4. Invasion Earth Episode 4

  • TV-PG
  • May 29, 1998

Reece and Air Marshall Peter Bentley observe a team of pathologists performing an autopsy on the dead Echo. Afterwards, Bentley interviews Terrell and is not convinced by his story. Meanwhile, Preston believes that Tucker is undergoing a change similar to the echoes. She reports her conclusions to Knox without telling Tucker. After the stigma is removed from her arm, Tucker is relieved from duty. Meanwhile, Friday who has simply been reported AWOL, reaches Kirkhaven just as local policewoman, DS Rebecca Holland is alerted. He cuts open his arms and plunges into the reservoir, bleeding to death in the water and infecting the supply to the town. A trap to catch an nD is put into action. Tucker faces the truth about her future and Drake's role in it.

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  • First Aired
    May 29, 1998
  • Content Rating
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