Invasion Earth Season 1 Episode 3
Invasion Earth
Season 1

Ep 3. Invasion Earth Episode 3

  • TV-PG
  • May 22, 1998

Wing commander Friday sets off on the mission that the nDs have planned. Tucker is confined until she can be examined by military neurosurgeon group Captain Susan Preston. Terrell begins to bond with Drake and eventually opens up enough to tell his story to the team. Willingly abducted from Earth in 1944, he has been in the service of a peaceful alien race - known as the echoes. Travelling close to light speed he has aged very little in fifty years. Later Terrell identifies a blip on the radar as echo on a crash course to Earth. Drake sets out to rescue the pilot who is badly injured and brings bad news, which Drake reacts to unexpectedly. As Friday reaches the town of Kirkhaven, he begins to undergo alarming physical changes. Back at Field Headquarters, Tucker becomes concerned about the way her wound is beginning to heal.

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  • First Aired
    May 22, 1998
  • Content Rating
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