Inside the Vault Season 1 Episode 1
Inside the Vault
Season 1

Ep 1. Technology: Gadget Obsessions

  • February 4, 2011

Inside the Vault is a captivating docuseries that takes viewers into the world's most exclusive collections and exhibits. The show is set in the high-security vaults of some of the world's most prestigious museums, galleries, and institutions, showcasing the hidden treasures that are usually off-limits to the public. The first episode of Season 1 is titled "Technology: Gadget Obsessions."

The episode takes us inside the famed Smithsonian Institution in Washington D.C., where we get a glimpse of the institution's stunning collection of technological gadgets from the world's most influential scientists and inventors. We meet the curators responsible for preserving these historically significant gadgets and learn about the stories behind each one of them.

The episode starts with the curators describing the first-ever telephone invention by Alexander Graham Bell. We get a chance to look at the original model of the telephone that Bell created in 1876. The design was simple, but it revolutionized communication as people knew it during that time. The curators discuss how Bell's telephone became a sensation, and in no time, the telephone had become a household name.

We then get a glimpse of another invention that changed the world forever. The television! The curators showcase the first-ever electronic television invention by Philo Farnsworth. We learn how Farnsworth's invention became the blueprint for modern televisions. The curators describe the television's evolution, from the first black and white TV sets to the modern-day smart televisions that we use today.

The next gadget that the curators showcase is the first-ever Apple Macintosh computer. The curators tell the story of how Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak built the first-ever computer to have a graphical interface, making it user-friendly. The curators discuss how the Macintosh computer, with its intuitive interface, changed the entire industry and paved the way for modern-day computers.

The episode then takes us to the field of medicine and the fascinating gadgets that doctors and scientists use to save lives. We learn about the invention of the first-ever cardiac pacemaker, a device used to treat heart patients. We get to see the original pacemaker invented by Wilson Greatbatch in 1958. The curators discuss how the pacemaker has saved countless people's lives over the years.

We also get to see the original prototype of the MRI machine, which was invented in 1977 by Raymond Damadian. We learn how the MRI machine revolutionized the way doctors diagnose and treat diseases. The curators discuss how this gadget has been critical in aiding doctors in detecting diseases that were otherwise undetectable.

The episode concludes by showcasing the latest advancements in technology, such as virtual reality and artificial intelligence. We get to see the latest prototypes of these gadgets and learn about their capabilities. The curators discuss how these technologies have opened up new avenues for research and development and have the potential to change the world in unprecedented ways.

The first episode of Inside the Vault is a fascinating journey through some of the most iconic technological gadgets ever created. Through this episode, viewers get to learn about the stories and people behind these inventions and gadgets, making them appreciate the significant impact these gadgets have had on our lives. The show is a perfect blend of history, science, and technology, making it a must-watch for any gadget lover or history buff.

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  • First Aired
    February 4, 2011
  • Language