Inside the Actors Studio Season 2 Episode 4

Ep 4. Glenn Close

  • January 26, 1996
  •   (13)

Glenn Close, the versatile and celebrated actress, sits down with James Lipton in the second season of Inside the Actors Studio for an intimate and revealing look at her life and career. Close, known for her captivating roles on stage and screen, opens up about her early life, her family, and her passion for the craft of acting.

The episode begins with Close discussing her upbringing in Connecticut, where her parents encouraged her creativity and love of theater. She talks about her early experiences as an actress, including her first professional role in Harold Pinter's The Birthday Party. Close's love of the stage is evident throughout the interview, as she fondly recalls her favorite performances and the thrill of live theater.

The conversation then turns to Close's film career, which began in earnest in the 1980s. Close discusses her memorable roles in films like The Big Chill, Fatal Attraction, and Dangerous Liaisons, as well as her process for approaching each character. She talks about the importance of preparation and research, and how she delves deep into a character's motivations and emotions in order to fully inhabit them.

Throughout the episode, Close demonstrates an incredible depth of knowledge about the craft of acting. She discusses her work with legendary directors like Mike Nichols and Robert Altman, and shares anecdotes about the challenges and rewards of working on their sets. She also offers insights into the collaborative process of filmmaking, and how a great director can bring out the best in an actor.

Perhaps most fascinating of all is Close's discussion of her most iconic role, that of the mentally ill Alex Forrest in Fatal Attraction. She talks about the controversy surrounding the film and its portrayal of mental illness, and how she approached playing such a complex and troubled character. Close's intense dedication to her craft is evident throughout the interview, as she explores the nuances of her performance and reflects on the lasting impact of the film on popular culture.

As the episode draws to a close, Close reflects on her long and successful career, and the lessons she has learned along the way. She talks about the importance of taking risks, both as an actor and as a person, and the need to constantly challenge oneself in order to grow and develop. Her passion for the craft of acting is infectious, and her insights into the process of creating great performances are both illuminating and inspiring.

Overall, Glenn Close's appearance on Inside the Actors Studio is a must-watch for any aspiring actor or lover of great performances. Her depth of knowledge and insight into the craft of acting is both profound and entertaining, and her infectious passion for the stage and screen is sure to inspire viewers to reach for their own dreams.

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  • First Aired
    January 26, 1996
  • Language