Inside the Actors Studio Season 2 Episode 3

Ep 3. Matthew Broderick

  • May 5, 1996

Matthew Broderick, the charismatic and award-winning actor famous for his roles in "Ferris Bueller's Day Off" and "The Producers", takes a seat with James Lipton in this episode of Inside the Actors Studio season 2. Lipton dives into a deep conversation with Broderick, learning about his upbringing, his early introduction to acting and his rise to stardom, making for an enlightening and entertaining interview.

Broderick opens up about his beginnings as an actor, revealing that he was bitten by the acting bug at a very young age following a fateful trip to the theatre with his mother. He shares details about his early years attending a performing arts high school and the various stage productions he participated in throughout his teenage years. Broderick's love and dedication for the field shines through as he discusses the challenges of auditioning and how he learned to handle rejection.

The conversation then pivots to Broderick's breakout role as Ferris Bueller in the 1986 iconic film "Ferris Bueller's Day Off". He recounts his audition process, how he researched and developed the role of the charismatic high school student, and the impact the film had on his career. He also dishes on the unforgettable moment when he met Princess Diana during a screening of the movie.

Lipton then brings up another one of Broderick's notable stage performances in "The Producers". Broderick dives into his approach for playing the role of Leo Bloom, the timid and neurotic accountant with a talent for numbers. He also shares behind-the-scenes anecdotes and insights about his co-star Nathan Lane and their on-stage chemistry.

Throughout the episode, Broderick reveals his admiration and respect for icons like Jack Lemmon and Gene Hackman, how he navigates his personal life in the public eye, and his passion for directing and producing. He shares his thoughts on the value of learning from others in the industry and the importance of taking risks and challenging oneself as an artist.

As the interview draws to a close, Lipton turns the tables, asking Broderick what he would like to hear God say when he arrives at the Pearly Gates. Broderick provides a heartfelt and endearing response, aligning with his humble and down-to-earth personality.

Overall, this episode of Inside the Actors Studio season 2 featuring Matthew Broderick offers an insightful and engaging look into a beloved actor's life and career. Broderick's down-to-earth demeanor, combined with Lipton's thoughtful questions, provides an enjoyable viewing experience for any entertainment enthusiast.

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  • First Aired
    May 5, 1996
  • Language