Initial D: First Stage Season 1 Episode 8

Ep 8. Act. 8 Just Before the Time Attack

  • June 20, 1998
  • 7.6  (75)

In Initial D: First Stage, season 1 episode 8, titled "Just Before the Time Attack," the main protagonist Takumi Fujiwara must prepare for an upcoming race on Akina mountain against an infamous street racer known as the Emperor.

As the race draws near, Takumi's father and mentor, Bunta, offers some words of advice for him. Bunta tells Takumi to focus on one aspect of his driving that he wants to improve upon, rather than trying to perfect everything at once. He suggests that Takumi concentrate on how to enter the corners, specifically the famous hairpin turn on Akina mountain.

Takumi takes his father's advice seriously and spends the next few days practicing his cornering technique. He even enlists the help of a fellow racer, Itsuki, to help him perfect his technique. Takumi's hard work pays off, and he finally starts to feel confident in his abilities.

Meanwhile, the Emperor is also preparing for the race and has gained a bit of fame in the underground racing scene. The Emperor has a loyal group of followers who believe he is unbeatable. However, some other racers, including Takumi's friend Natsuki, believe that the Emperor is not as invincible as he appears to be.

The day of the race arrives, and tension is high as both Takumi and the Emperor prepare to face off against each other. Before the race begins, the Emperor's followers, who call themselves "Emperor's Seven," challenge the other racers to individual time attacks. Natsuki steps up to compete, hoping to prove that the Emperor is not unbeatable.

As Natsuki takes on the challenge, Takumi watches carefully and learns from her mistakes. He knows that the time attack is important because it will give him an idea of how much time he needs to shave off to win the race against the Emperor.

After the time attacks, the main race begins, and Takumi and the Emperor both make their way up Akina mountain. The competition is fierce, and both racers push their limits, taking dangerous risks to gain an advantage.

As the race comes to a climactic end, the victor is still unclear. Both Takumi and the Emperor give it their all, and the audience is left on the edge of their seats, waiting to see who will cross the finish line first.

Overall, "Just Before the Time Attack" is an exciting episode that showcases the intensity and skill of the racers in Initial D. Viewers will enjoy watching Takumi prepare for his upcoming race while also witnessing the tension and drama between different racers. As the first season moves forward, fans will continue to root for Takumi as he faces even more challenging opponents and tries to perfect his driving technique.

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  • First Aired
    June 20, 1998
  • Language
  • IMDB Rating
    7.6  (75)