Initial D: First Stage Season 1 Episode 21

Ep 21. Act. 21 Challenge From the Superstar

  • October 17, 1998
  • 7.2  (66)

Makoto challenges Takumi to a race after witnessing him take down a pair of opponents from Purple Shadow. With a reputation as a talented soccer player, Makoto is confident in his abilities on the road, but Takumi is not one to back down from a challenge.

Meanwhile, Ryosuke and his team prepare for their upcoming race against the unbeatable Emperor team, studying footage and analyzing their opponents' strengths and weaknesses. In the midst of their preparations, Ryosuke receives devastating news that puts the race in jeopardy.

As Takumi and Makoto prepare for their race, tensions rise between them and their respective friends. The race itself is intense, with both drivers pushing their cars to the limit and taking risks in order to come out on top. But when a sudden obstacle appears on the course, the outcome of the race becomes uncertain.

As the dust settles from the race, Ryosuke and his team face an unexpected challenge that threatens to derail their upcoming race against Emperor. With the pressure mounting, Ryosuke must find a way to overcome this obstacle and lead his team to victory. Meanwhile, Takumi reflects on the lessons he's learned from his recent races and contemplates his future as a street racer.

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  • First Aired
    October 17, 1998
  • Language
  • IMDB Rating
    7.2  (66)