Watch Infamous
- 2013
- 1 Season
Infamous is a thrilling drama series that follows the life of Mia Bowers, the daughter of a wealthy family who tragically gets killed. The show revolves around the mystery surrounding her death, the people involved and their motives. The characters are complex, and their relationships are intriguing, keeping the audience hooked from the beginning to the end.
Ella Rae Peck plays the role of Mia Bowers. She is the bright, young, and ambitious daughter of a wealthy and influential family. Her death sets the tone for the show, and her character remains central to the storyline even after her death. Katherine La Nasa plays Sophia Bowers, Mia's mother, who is smart, powerful, and manipulative. She is determined to find her daughter's killer but has her own secrets to hide. Laz Alonso plays the role of Will Moreno, a talented detective assigned to investigate the case. He has a troubled past and is an outsider in the wealthy world of the Bowers.
Meagan Good plays the role of Joanna Locasto, Mia's best friend. Although she left the family's employ years ago, she finds herself drawn back into their world, using her connection to investigate Mia's murder. She also has her own secrets and personal challenges, adding to the complexity of the story. Tate Donovan plays the role of Edward Bowers, Mia's father, who is cold, ruthless, and unemotional. He is a man who wants to retain the family's power at all costs, even if it means sacrificing his own daughter. Victor Garber plays the role of Robert Bowers, Mia's grandfather, who is wise, experienced, and politically astute. He has his own agenda, and his allegiances are not always clear.
The show is set in New York and is full of glamour, wealth, and intrigue. The Bowers family is a wealthy, influential, and powerful family with connections to the highest levels of society. The show is reminiscent of the popular television show Dynasty, with its drama, deception, and high stakes.
Infamous is a well-crafted show with a strong storyline and well-written characters. The mystery surrounding Mia's death is slowly revealed throughout the season, creating a sense of anticipation and suspense. The characters are complex, and their relationships are interesting and complex, drawing the audience further into the show. The acting in Infamous is excellent, with all the actors bringing their characters to life in a realistic and believable way.
Overall, Infamous is an addictive and enthralling show that is well worth watching. It is a classic murder-mystery with multi-dimensional characters, beautiful cinematography, and well-written dialogue. It will keep you on the edge of your seat until the very end, wondering who is behind Mia's death and what the ultimate outcome will be. Whether you are a fan of murder mysteries or drama series, Infamous is sure to captivate you.
Infamous is a series that ran for 1 seasons (11 episodes) between January 7, 2013 and on NBC