Impractical Jokers Season 5 Episode 26

Ep 26. Nitro Circus Spectacular

  • November 3, 2016
  •   (171)

The Impractical Jokers are back with the season 5 finale, and they're taking on a whole new challenge: the Nitro Circus Spectacular. This episode is jam-packed with hilarious and adrenaline-fueled pranks, stunts, and challenges that will keep you on the edge of your seat.

The Nitro Circus Spectacular is a live-action extreme sports event that features mind-blowing stunts and tricks performed by some of the world's most daring athletes. In this episode, the Impractical Jokers are tasked with infiltrating the Nitro Circus crew and pulling off their own crazy stunts and pranks during the live show.

The first challenge takes place backstage, where Q, Sal, Joe, and Murr must use their trademark humor to get Nitro Circus crew members to say a series of ridiculous phrases without getting caught. They quickly discover that these athletes are just as competitive and intense as they are, and the stakes are high.

Next, the Jokers take to the skies for some aerial shenanigans. In one stunt, Q and Sal are launched into the air on a giant bungee cord, and their mission is to have a conversation while performing death-defying flips and spins. Meanwhile, Joe and Murr try their hand at skydiving, with hilarious and unexpected results.

The third challenge takes place during the Nitro Circus live show, where the Jokers must blend in with the crew and perform their own stunts without anyone suspecting a thing. This leads to some of the most outrageous moments of the episode, including Sal attempting to ride a mini-bike through a ring of fire and Murr getting launched off a giant ramp on a BMX bike.

Throughout the episode, the Jokers are constantly pushing the boundaries of their comfort zones and testing their limits in ways they never imagined. They're also keeping the audience in stitches with their trademark pranks and one-liners.

As the Nitro Circus Spectacular comes to a close, the Jokers reflect on their experiences and share their favorite moments from the episode. It's clear that this was one of their most challenging and exhilarating adventures yet, and it's sure to leave viewers laughing and cheering for more.

Overall, Impractical Jokers season 5 episode 26 is a must-watch for fans of the show and anyone who loves high-energy comedy and extreme sports. From start to finish, it's a wild ride that's packed with surprises and laughs.

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  • First Aired
    November 3, 2016
  • Language