IMDbrief Season 1 Episode 2
Season 1

Ep 2. Meet Cheetah: 'Wonder Woman 2' Villain

  • May 26, 2018
  • 3 min

In the second episode of IMDbrief's first season, viewers are introduced to the villain of the upcoming film "Wonder Woman 1984": Cheetah. Played by Kristen Wiig, Cheetah is the alter-ego of Barbara Minerva, a shy and unassuming archaeologist who becomes the prey of ancient deity, Urzkartaga.

The episode starts by delving into the origins of the character in the comics, tracing her evolution from a literal cat burglar with cheesy puns to a more complex character with a tragic backstory. We see how Cheetah's rivalry with Wonder Woman has been a constant theme throughout the decades, with the two women representing opposing ideals of femininity and power.

From there, IMDbrief explores the casting of Wiig in the role, and how the comedian's track record in both comedy and drama makes her a strong fit for a character with such conflicting emotions. The episode includes interviews with Wiig herself, as well as director Patty Jenkins and producer Charles Roven, who speak to why they chose Cheetah as the main antagonist in the sequel.

Various clips and stills from the movie are also included, allowing viewers to get a glimpse of what Wiig will look like as both Barbara and Cheetah. We learn that the costume design went through several iterations before settling on a sleek and feline-inspired suit that still pays homage to the character's comic book origins.

As the episode wraps up, IMDbrief leaves us with some tantalizing hints about how Cheetah's story in "Wonder Woman 1984" might unfold. Without giving too much away, they suggest that references to Urzkartaga's role in her transformation might hint at a larger mythology at play in the DC cinematic universe.

Overall, "Meet Cheetah" is a thrilling and informative episode that will leave Wonder Woman fans eager for more. By exploring the character's history, casting, and design in such depth, IMDbrief does an excellent job of building excitement for what promises to be an epic showdown between two formidable women.

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  • First Aired
    May 26, 2018
  • Runtime
    3 min
  • Language