Watch Hungry Heart - Wild Striker
- 1969
- 1 Season
Hungry Heart: Wild Striker is a sports anime series that was broadcasted on the Fuji Television network in Japan in the early 2000s. The show is based on a manga series of the same name, with the anime adaptation being produced by studio Nippon Animation. The series revolves around the life of a high school student named Kyosuke Kanou, who has a passion for soccer. Despite his father's objections and his family's disapproval of his soccer dreams, Kyosuke is determined to become a professional soccer player. He is scouted by the prestigious Jyoyo Akanegaoka High School, where he joins the schoolâs soccer team, hoping to gain the recognition he deserves and become a professional.
The series follows Kyosuke's journey as he faces many challenges, both on and off the field, and his relentless pursuit of his dream to become a professional soccer player.
Throughout the show, the audience sees the character growth of Kyosuke as he learns the value of teamwork, dedication, perseverance, and hard work. Along with his team, he faces several challenges from other schools, including the rival team Toho Academy, which has a star player Yoshiko Fujisawa, who plays a vital role as Kyosukeâs love interest in the show.
The anime follows the typical shonen tropes, with the characters having superhuman abilities that make for some stunning soccer matches. The show features a wide range of characters, each with their unique strengths and weaknesses, making it an engaging series for all ages. From Kyosuke's teammates, including the comedic Hoshi, a talented player with a sweet tooth, and the more serious-minded, technical midfielder Rodrigo, to the antagonists and other students at the school, the show paints a vivid picture of life in a Japanese high school.
The animation and art style are typical of early 2000s anime, incorporating sharp, angular lines and bold colors, adding a stylized element to the show. The soundtrack for the show is also worth mentioning, with a collection of upbeat and action-packed music to accompany the thrilling soccer matches.
The show explores several themes, including the importance of family, rivalry, determination, and friendship, making it a well-rounded and heartwarming series. The bond between Kyosuke and his sister, who had given up her own dreams to support Kyosuke's soccer ambition, is particularly touching.
One of the aspects of the show that sets it apart from other sports anime is the emphasis it places on education, highlighting the character's academic achievements and the importance of balancing academics with sports. This focus on education is uncommon in the genre and adds a unique dimension to the show.
In terms of pacing, the show does a good job of keeping the audience engaged and entertained. The pacing of the soccer matches is well balanced, not dragging out any particular game for too long, while still making sure that the matches are climactic and exciting to watch.
Overall, Hungry Heart: Wild Striker is a fun, uplifting sports anime that is appropriate for all ages. Although the plot and themes may be familiar, the series is enjoyable and inspiring with the characters' dedication and teamwork. The show's positive message about chasing your dreams, even in the face of adversity, is a relatable and heartwarming message that is sure to appeal to anime fans and sports fans alike.