House Poor

Watch House Poor

  • 2016
  • 1 Season

House Poor is a 2016 television series produced by Proven Entertainment that follows families and individuals who have found themselves in over their heads with mortgage debt. The show is focused mainly on people living in Canada, but it does also highlight issues that are relevant to viewers from other parts of the world where real estate prices can be high. House Poor is a reality show that is both entertaining and informative, as it provides insight into the financial struggles that many people face due to the high costs of owning a home.

Throughout the series, viewers are introduced to people who have invested far too much money in their homes, often leaving them with little left to cover basic expenses like food, clothing, and utilities. Some families even find that they are unable to make their monthly mortgage payments, which can lead to loss of the home and severe financial difficulties.

The show's host, Sandra Rinomato, a popular real estate agent and television personality in Canada, guides viewers through each episode, offering her expertise on the real estate market, and providing advice to those who are struggling with mortgage debt. Sandra is joined by other experts in the field, including mortgage brokers, real estate lawyers, and financial advisors who provide helpful tips and resources to those in need.

House Poor is divided into various segments, each of which is focused on a specific aspect of the real estate market. Some segments deal with how people can save money on their monthly mortgage payments, while others focus on the impact of interest rates on home buying decisions. There are also segments that deal with the emotional aspect of owning a home, with families sharing their stories of stress, anxiety, and even depression due to the financial burden that homeownership can impose.

One of the most compelling aspects of House Poor is that it showcases real families and individuals, rather than actors or scripted scenarios. The series presents real-life situations that many people can relate to, making it both informative and emotionally engaging. Viewers get to see people from all walks of life, including young couples just starting out, families with children, and retirees who may have invested their entire life savings in their homes.

While House Poor can be a sobering series at times, it is also uplifting, as it often features success stories of people who have managed to turn their financial situation around. Some families are shown finding ways to make additional income to pay off their mortgage debt, while others are able to refinance their homes to more manageable terms. The show emphasizes that, while owning a home can be challenging, it is possible to overcome financial struggles with persistence and the right resources.

Overall, House Poor is an excellent addition to the reality television genre, as it provides a unique perspective on the housing market and the challenges that many people face when trying to become homeowners. The show offers practical advice and resources that can help viewers make informed decisions about their mortgage, and it is an ideal resource for those who are struggling with mortgage debt. If you are interested in real estate and personal finance, then House Poor is definitely worth checking out!

House Poor is a series that ran for 1 seasons (13 episodes) between October 2, 2016 and on Proven Entertainment

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Tammy And Andrew
13. Tammy And Andrew
October 27, 2016
After dealing with a disaster in their basement and living the high life Andrew and Tammy ran out of steam and funds to tackle their living room and bathroom - both in desperate need of a renovation.
Kristen And Raffaello
12. Kristen And Raffaello
October 27, 2016
After putting a large down payment on their house and replacing the old knob and tube wiring on their main floor Kristen and Raffaello's are completely tapped out and unable to renovate their living room so that it is safe and useable.
Ryan And Cassandra
11. Ryan And Cassandra
October 27, 2016
Ryan and Cassandra didn't plan and ending up biting off more house than they could chew.
Duane And Michelle
10. Duane And Michelle
October 27, 2016
Stressed finances and no personal space have brought Duane and Michelle to their wits' end.
John And Heather
9. John And Heather
October 27, 2016
Heather and John are first-time homeowners learning about "buyer beware" the expensive way.
Matthew And Penny
8. Matthew And Penny
October 27, 2016
First-time buyers Matthew and Penny purchased a house that was more than they could afford; which has left them cash strapped for needed renovations.
Marshall And Carolynn
7. Marshall And Carolynn
October 27, 2016
Lack of planning has left Marshall and Carolynn's basement in shambles leaving their two young daughters with no space to play.
Dora And Christian
6. Dora And Christian
October 27, 2016
After overspending on renovations to the rest of their house Dora and Christian have no money left to finish their biggest disaster area - the kitchen.
Peter And Erika
5. Peter And Erika
October 27, 2016
Reckless spending has mired Pete and Erika in a moldy financial situation.
Warren and Anna
4. Warren and Anna
October 27, 2016
With five children and an unliveable basement Warren and Ana need to tame their spending habits so that they can finally stop sleeping in their living room.
Raven Returns
3. Raven Returns
January 1, 2016
A strange stranger shows up with Raven (formally called Sunshine) who he found very drunk on a flight back from Paris. He returns her to the only home Raven knows - Stefani's. Stefani protests, until she finds out that, like her, Raven has no mother. Stefani decides to try and love her - but it isn't easy!
Lucky Me!
2. Lucky Me!
January 1, 2016
Stefani gets paranoid when she finds out everyone is writing about her. A poet seduces her with a poem, her best friend Bret offends her with a journalistic piece, and Jonah, a tenant, writes a song that is oh so painfully true!
Rent Their Rooms?
1. Rent Their Rooms?
October 2, 2016
Stefani, a sexy empty nester, lives alone in a five-bedroom home, so she decides to rent rooms. It's not long before all sorts of lovers and lodgers have her coming and going.
Where to Watch House Poor
House Poor is available for streaming on the Proven Entertainment website, both individual episodes and full seasons. You can also watch House Poor on demand at Amazon, Hoopla and Tubi TV.
  • Premiere Date
    October 2, 2016