House Hunters International Season 18 Episode 26

Ep 26. The Wild Side of House Hunting in Remote South Africa

  • December 11, 2011

House Hunters International season 18 episode 26, titled "The Wild Side of House Hunting in Remote South Africa," follows a couple on their house hunting journey in the remote and wild countryside of South Africa. The episode begins with the couple visiting various homes, each with their unique charm and challenges, as they try to find their dream home.

The couple has a budget of $1.5 million, and they are willing to spend it all to find the perfect home. However, they soon realize that finding a home in such a remote location is not an easy task. They have to take into account the wildlife, the climate, and the accessibility of the property, among other things.

The couple is shown viewing different properties, ranging from a picturesque farmhouse to a luxurious safari lodge. Each home presents its own set of challenges, such as the lack of electricity and running water in some properties and the danger of encountering wild animals.

Despite the challenges, the couple perseveres in their house hunt and must make tough decisions to find their dream home. They are faced with tough choices such as compromising the safety and security of their family versus the allure of living in a beautiful and remote location.

Throughout the episode, viewers are treated to stunning views of South Africa's wild landscapes, from sprawling grasslands to rugged mountains. The episode also showcases the diverse wildlife of the region, including lions, elephants, and zebras.

The couple's search for a dream home in South Africa is an exciting adventure that showcases the challenges, rewards, and beauty of house hunting in a remote and wild location. House Hunters International season 18 episode 26 "The Wild Side of House Hunting in Remote South Africa" is an inspiring episode that will appeal to anyone with a love for adventure, wildlife, and the outdoors.

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  • First Aired
    December 11, 2011
  • Language