House Hunters International Season 18 Episode 24

Ep 24. Reconnecting with someone special in Cairns, Australia

  • November 27, 2011

In House Hunters International season 18 episode 24, titled "Reconnecting with Someone Special in Cairns, Australia," viewers follow a couple as they make the move from the United States to Australia to be closer to the wife's friend, who she met while studying abroad years ago. The couple, who are both pilots, have a budget of $600,000 AUD (approximately $415,000 USD) and have their sights set on the coastal city of Cairns, known for its tropical climate and access to the Great Barrier Reef.

The episode begins with the couple arriving in Cairns and meeting up with their friend, who takes them on a tour of the city and introduces them to its laid-back, outdoor lifestyle. The couple is immediately smitten with the area, but soon realizes that finding a home within their budget won't be easy.

Their first stop is a modern two-bedroom apartment with ocean views, listed for $620,000 AUD (approximately $428,000 USD). While the couple loves the location and the apartment's features, including a pool and gym, they are hesitant to go over budget so early in their search.

Next, they visit a three-bedroom house that is much more affordable, listed at $490,000 AUD (approximately $338,000 USD). It has a large outdoor space with a pool, but the couple quickly realizes that the backyard is unfinished and in need of some serious landscaping. They also have concerns about the layout of the house, noting that the bedrooms are all on the smaller side.

Finally, the couple views a four-bedroom house that is right at the top of their budget, listed at $600,000 AUD (approximately $415,000 USD). While the house has a large backyard and ample living space, the couple is disappointed to find that it is situated on a busy road, making it less private than they had hoped.

Throughout the episode, the couple must weigh the pros and cons of each property and consider what is most important to them in a home. They also discuss the logistics of moving to another country, including the process of getting their pilot licenses authorized in Australia.

Ultimately, the couple must make a tough decision about which property to choose, taking into account both practical considerations and their personal preferences. Viewers will have to tune in to find out which home they ultimately decide on and how their Australian adventure unfolds.

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  • First Aired
    November 27, 2011
  • Language