House Hunters International Season 18 Episode 20

Ep 20. Bridging Cultural Divides in Istanbul

  • October 23, 2011

In House Hunters International season 18 episode 20, titled "Bridging Cultural Divides in Istanbul," viewers are taken on a journey to Istanbul, Turkey as a couple seeks to find their dream home while navigating cultural differences and a new language.

The episode starts with the couple, Leah and Alper, discussing their desire for a home that will not only suit their individual needs but also blend their cultural backgrounds. Leah, an American, and Alper, a Turkish native, both bring their unique perspectives and preferences to the table. While Leah wants a modern and spacious high-rise apartment with stunning views of the city, Alper prefers a more traditional, cozy and intimate residence.

To help them find the perfect home, the couple works with a local real estate agent, who shows them three properties that meet their requirements. The first property is a beautiful and spacious high-rise apartment in the heart of the city, with floor-to-ceiling windows that offer stunning views of Istanbul. Leah is immediately impressed, but Alper is not convinced, saying that he prefers a more traditional home with a personal touch.

The second property is a charming, traditional home with an eye-catching Ottoman-style fireplace. It is located in an older, more historic part of Istanbul, but its quaint and cozy interior still manages to give off a modern vibe. Both Leah and Alper are impressed by the style and elegance of the property, but Leah has concerns about the distance from her office and modern amenities.

The third property, a modern apartment with spacious rooms and a sleek design, is located in a newly developing part of Istanbul. Alper appreciates the modern architecture and the comfort, but Leah seems less keen with the lack of personal touches or character that the previous two homes had.

Throughout their search, the couple also had to navigate some communication difficulties with their agent, who only speaks Turkish. However, with the help of an interpreter, they manage to find a home that meets their requirements and satisfies their cultural differences.

Overall, the episode showcases the differences in cultures, tastes, and needs while house hunting in a foreign country. At the same time, "Bridging Cultural Divides in Istanbul" highlights how love can conquer the most significant cultural gaps and make a future home feel like a perfect blend of two different worlds.

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  • First Aired
    October 23, 2011
  • Language