Hot Ones Season 2 Episode 33
Hot Ones
Season 2

Ep 33. Action Bronson Blows His High Eating Spicy Wings

  • November 10, 2016
  •   (11)

Hot Ones is a wildly popular show that's all about spicy food and hot sauce. The premise is simple: host Sean Evans interviews celebrities while they eat progressively spicier wings, culminating in a blazing hot sauce that's almost too much to handle.

In season 2, episode 33, Action Bronson is the special guest. Bronson is best known for his career as a rapper and chef, and he's known for his love of food and his irreverent sense of humor. From the start, it's clear that Action Bronson is in high spirits, and he's looking forward to taking on the challenge of eating extremely spicy wings.

As the show begins, Sean Evans introduces the first sauce of the day, which is relatively mild. Action Bronson seems to handle it well, although he notes that it's a bit hotter than he anticipated. As the interview continues, Sean asks Action some questions about his career and his upcoming projects. Action is his usual entertaining self, cracking jokes and sharing amusing stories.

As the pair move on to the second sauce, things start to heat up. Action is clearly feeling the burn, but he's determined to soldier on. He jokes that the sweat is pouring down his face, and he tries to keep his cool. Sean keeps the interview moving along, asking more about Action's career and his thoughts on the current state of the music industry.

By the time they get to the mid-way point of the challenge, Action Bronson is starting to feel the effects of the spiciness. He's wiping his forehead and chugging water in between bites. Sean is pressing him to answer some tough questions, and Action is doing his best to keep his composure. He talks about his personal life, his family, and his relationship with his fans.

As the challenge continues, the wings just keep getting spicier and spicier. Action Bronson is starting to struggle, and he's clearly blown his high. He's slurring his words and losing his train of thought. Sean Evans doesn't let up, though - he keeps asking the tough questions, trying to get Bronson to reveal something interesting or surprising.

Despite the heat, Action Bronson manages to keep his sense of humor intact. He makes funny faces and jokes about his predicament, and at one point, he even starts rapping some spontaneous lyrics about the wings. It's clear that he's enjoying himself, even as he suffers through the pain of the spiciness.

Towards the end of the show, Sean asks some rapid-fire questions, trying to get as many answers out of Action Bronson as possible before the heat becomes too much. Bronson gamely answers as many as he can, but eventually, he has to throw in the towel. He admits that he's reached his limit, and he can't take any more heat.

All in all, season 2, episode 33 of Hot Ones is a hilarious and memorable installment of the show. Action Bronson is a great sport, and he proves that he's willing to take on any challenge, no matter how hot it may be. Fans of the show will definitely want to check this one out.

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  • First Aired
    November 10, 2016
  • Language