Hot Ones Season 2 Episode 29
Hot Ones
Season 2

Ep 29. Hasan Minhaj Has an Out-of-Body Experience Eating Spicy Wings

  • October 6, 2016

In Hot Ones season 2 episode 29, comedian and actor Hasan Minhaj joins host Sean Evans in the infamous Hot Ones challenge. As they chow down on increasingly spicy wings, the two explore Minhaj's career in comedy and his experiences as an Indian-American in Hollywood.

Right from the start, Minhaj feels the heat and struggles to keep his composure as the first sauce takes its toll. As they progress through the lineup, each wing brings a new level of spiciness, and Minhaj's reactions become increasingly animated. Fans of his work will appreciate the candid stories he shares about his early days in comedy and the challenges he has faced along the way.

Throughout the episode, Evans and Minhaj engage in witty banter and showcase their chemistry as they brave the challenge together. Even in the midst of the hottest sauces, the two manage to keep the conversation light and entertaining. Minhaj's humor shines through as he shares anecdotes about his family and cultural traditions.

As they near the end of the lineup, Minhaj admits that he's starting to feel a little out-of-body. The extreme heat of the sauces has him struggling to maintain his focus and composure. Despite the discomfort, he continually pushes himself to finish each wing, unwilling to let the challenge defeat him.

Towards the end of the episode, things get particularly intense as the final sauces bring the heat to a whole new level. Minhaj's reactions become increasingly humorous as he struggles to keep it together and complete the challenge. However, through it all, he manages to maintain his signature wit and good humor, providing plenty of laughs along the way.

Overall, Hot Ones season 2 episode 29 is a must-watch for fans of Hasan Minhaj or anyone looking for an entertaining and hilarious challenge. As he navigates the spicy wings, Minhaj proves himself to be a true comedic talent, able to turn even the most uncomfortable situations into gold. So sit back, grab some milk, and get ready to laugh as you watch Hasan Minhaj take on the hottest wings on the planet.

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  • First Aired
    October 6, 2016
  • Language