Hot Ones Season 2 Episode 22
Hot Ones
Season 2

Ep 22. Matty Matheson Turns Into a Motivational Speaker Eating Spicy Wings

  • August 18, 2016
  •   (9)

Matty Matheson, a chef and TV personality, joins Sean Evans for the latest episode of Hot Ones. The premise of the show is simple: Evans interviews his guests while they eat increasingly spicy wings. The heat levels are measured in Scoville units and start at a relatively mild 1,800. By the end of the show, the heat reaches a whopping 2 million Scoville units. For most guests, this is a grueling experience, but Matheson seems to take it all in stride.

Early in the show, Matheson explains that he has been working on his mental health. This is a theme that will come up repeatedly over the course of the episode. Despite the physical challenge of eating spicy wings, Matheson seems calm and collected. He speaks articulately about his life experiences and seems to genuinely enjoy the process.

As the heat level ramps up, Matheson starts to feel the effects. He becomes visibly sweatier and his forehead starts to glisten. Nevertheless, he soldiers on, answering Evans’ questions and keeping the conversation flowing. At one point, Matheson even offers to swap wings with Evans, perhaps sensing that Evans is struggling more than he is.

One of the standout moments of the episode is when Matheson talks about his time working in the restaurant industry. He describes the grueling hours, the intense pressure, and the toll it can take on your mental and physical health. But he also talks about the camaraderie and sense of purpose that comes with working in a professional kitchen.

As the heat level approaches its peak, Matheson starts to get a little goofy. He makes some jokes at Evans’ expense and even starts to dance a little. But he never loses his focus or his composure. He stays on message, talking about the importance of taking care of yourself and finding balance in your life.

Eventually, the heat becomes too much for even Matheson to handle. He starts to hiccup and gasp for air. But even as he struggles, he never loses his sense of humor. He laughs at himself and makes light of the situation. It’s this kind of attitude that makes Matheson such a likable guest on the show.

In the end, Matheson seems genuinely moved by the experience. He talks about how much he has learned and how much he has grown as a person. He thanks Evans for the opportunity and leaves the set smiling and satisfied. For anyone who has ever doubted the transformative power of spicy food, this episode is sure to change your mind.

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  • First Aired
    August 18, 2016
  • Language