Hot Ones Season 2 Episode 19
Hot Ones
Season 2

Ep 19. David Cross Embraces the Extremes of Spicy Wings

  • July 29, 2016
  •   (14)

David Cross, the award-winning comedian, actor, and writer, is the latest guest on the YouTube sensation, Hot Ones. Host Sean Evans challenges Cross to tackle the infamous hot wing challenge in episode 19 of season 2.

As the interview begins, Cross discusses his experience with spicy food and his preference for hot sauces. He admits to being a fan of Sriracha and Tabasco, but this challenge is on a whole new level. With the first wing, Cross admits that the heat is intense but still manages to reveal stories about his early days in show business.

As the spice level increases, the conversation turns to politics and social issues. Cross, known for his satirical commentary, shares his thoughts on the current state of American politics and the rise of social media. The conversation manages to remain light-hearted even as the heat ramps up.

As the wings continue to get progressively spicier, Cross reaches for a glass of milk to cool his burning tongue. He talks about his experience with stand-up comedy and how it has evolved over the years. Despite the intense heat, Cross maintains his quick wit, making for an entertaining and engaging interview.

As the final wing approaches, Evans and Cross share a moment of mutual respect for the challenge and the interview. Cross reveals a hot sauce he's been working on and shares his love for Mexican cuisine before finally taking on the ultimate challenge. With the intensity at an all-time high, Cross manages to power through the final wing, cementing his place among the Hot Ones Hall of Fame.

Overall, David Cross Embraces the Extremes of Spicy Wings is a must-watch episode for fans of the show and those who enjoy a good challenge. The conversation is both insightful and entertaining, and Cross proves his ability to handle the heat while maintaining his quick wit. It's a testament to the appeal of Hot Ones and the skill of its host to bring out the best in his guests, even when their mouths are on fire.

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  • First Aired
    July 29, 2016
  • Language