Horizon Season 2017 Episode 9
Season 2017

Ep 9. 10 Things You Need to Know About the Future

  • June 19, 2017

In Horizon season 2017 episode 9, titled “10 Things You Need to Know About the Future,” viewers are taken on a journey to discover what the future holds for humanity. The episode explores ten different areas of our lives that are likely to experience significant change in the coming years, and experts from a range of fields share their insights into what we can expect.

The episode begins with a look at the future of transportation, as self-driving cars and electric vehicles become increasingly common. Viewers learn about the potential benefits of these new technologies, such as reduced congestion and improved air quality, but also explore the challenges they bring, such as the need to update infrastructure and the potential loss of jobs in the transportation sector.

Next, the episode considers how technological advancements are changing the way we work. Experts discuss the rise of automation and artificial intelligence, and explore how these developments could impact the job market and our daily lives. The episode also touches on the growing trend of remote work and the potential for a more flexible work-life balance in the future.

The third topic of the episode is energy, and viewers learn about the increasing use of renewable sources of power such as wind and solar. The episode explores the challenges of transitioning to a more sustainable energy system, such as the need for new infrastructure and the potential for conflicts over resources, but also highlights the potential benefits, such as reduced greenhouse gas emissions and improved energy security.

Moving on to the topic of health, viewers are introduced to new medical technologies that are revolutionizing healthcare, such as gene editing and personalized medicine. The episode explores how these technologies could lead to longer, healthier lives, but also raises important ethical questions about their use.

The episode then turns to the future of food, as experts discuss the challenges of feeding a growing global population sustainably. Viewers learn about new technologies such as vertical farming and lab-grown meat, and explore the potential benefits and drawbacks of these innovations.

Next, the episode considers the future of space exploration and the possibility of humans colonizing other planets. Experts discuss the challenges of long-term space travel and the need for new technology to make it possible. The episode also explores the potential benefits of space exploration, such as access to new resources and a deeper understanding of our universe.

The seventh topic of the episode is the future of education, as experts discuss new approaches to teaching and learning such as online education and personalized learning. The episode explores the potential benefits of these innovations, such as increased access to education and improved learning outcomes, but also raises concerns about their impact on traditional education models and the social benefits of attending school in person.

Moving on to the topic of security, the episode explores how emerging technologies such as blockchain and quantum computing could impact cybersecurity and national security. Experts discuss the potential benefits of these technologies, such as improved encryption and faster data processing, but also highlight the risks of new forms of cyberattacks and the potential for new weapons to be developed using quantum technology.

Turning to the topic of the environment, the episode explores the challenges of climate change and the need to transition to a more sustainable economy. Experts discuss the potential benefits of renewable energy and conservation, but also consider the complexities of changing our economic system and the social and political challenges it presents.

Finally, the episode considers the future of human relationships, as experts discuss the impact of social media and new communication technologies on our ability to connect with others. The episode explores the potential benefits of these technologies, such as increased global connections and improved access to information, but also raises concerns about the impact of social media on mental health and the potential for increased social isolation.

Overall, “10 Things You Need to Know About the Future” provides a fascinating look at the many ways in which our world is changing, and the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. Through a series of expert insights and thought-provoking discussions, viewers gain a deeper understanding of the many complex issues that will shape our future.

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  • First Aired
    June 19, 2017
  • Language