Horizon Season 2017 Episode 8
Season 2017

Ep 8. Cyber Attack - The Day the NHS Stopped

  • June 12, 2017

On May 12th, 2017, the National Health Service (NHS) in the United Kingdom was hit by a massive cyber attack that brought down computer systems across the organization. This episode of Horizon takes a look at the events of that day and the aftermath.

Through interviews with experts in cybersecurity and healthcare, as well as with NHS staff who were on the front lines of the attack, the episode explores the impact of the attack and what it revealed about the vulnerabilities of critical systems.

The attack was carried out through a ransomware virus known as WannaCry. The virus spread rapidly through NHS networks, encrypting files and demanding payment for their release. As a result, hospitals were unable to access patient records, appointments were canceled, and some surgeries had to be postponed.

The episode delves into the history of ransomware attacks and the strategies that cybercriminals use to exploit weaknesses in security systems. It also explores the challenges faced by organizations like the NHS in defending against these attacks, including the patchwork of legacy systems and the need to balance security with accessibility.

One of the key messages of the episode is the importance of proactive cybersecurity measures. Experts argue that many organizations are not doing enough to prepare for potential attacks, and that prevention should be a greater priority. The episode looks at some of the emerging technologies and approaches that could help organizations stay ahead of the curve, including artificial intelligence and "bug bounties" that incentivize security researchers to identify vulnerabilities.

The episode also examines the role of governments in protecting critical infrastructure. It highlights the challenges faced by agencies like the National Cyber Security Centre, which are tasked with defending against sophisticated attacks while also maintaining transparency and building public trust.

Throughout the episode, there are also personal stories from those impacted by the attack. We hear from NHS staff who worked tirelessly to maintain patient care despite the challenges posed by the virus, as well as from patients whose treatment was disrupted.

Overall, the episode is a sobering reminder of the importance of cybersecurity in an increasingly connected world. It highlights the need for continual vigilance and innovation in defending against threats, and raises important questions about the role of governments and organizations in protecting critical systems.

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  • First Aired
    June 12, 2017
  • Language