Horizon Season 2017 Episode 7
Season 2017

Ep 7. Antarctica - Ice Station Rescue

  • June 7, 2017

In the seventh episode of the 2017 season of Horizon, titled "Antarctica - Ice Station Rescue," viewers are taken on a thrilling and awe-inspiring journey to the southernmost continent on Earth. The episode focuses on the British Antarctic Survey's Halley VI Research Station, which is located on the Brunt Ice Shelf and is home to a team of scientists studying the effects of climate change on Antarctica's ice.

When a massive crack appears in the ice, cutting off the station from the rest of the continent, the team is faced with a difficult decision: evacuate immediately, risking their research and equipment, or wait it out and hope for the best. The situation quickly becomes dire as the crack widens, threatening to send the entire station into the ocean.

As the scientists scramble to pack up their equipment and evacuate, a team of expert pilots and engineers from the British Antarctic Survey is dispatched to the station to attempt a daring rescue. Using cutting-edge technology and working around the clock in some of the harshest conditions on Earth, the rescue team must find a way to get the scientists and their equipment safely off the ice.

Throughout the episode, viewers are treated to stunning shots of the Antarctic landscape, as well as engaging interviews with the scientists and rescue team members. The episode also delves into the science behind climate change, explaining how the melting of Antarctic ice is a global issue that affects us all.

Despite the high stakes and intense challenges faced by the scientists and rescue team, there are moments of humor and camaraderie that make this episode a joy to watch. From the makeshift ice bar where team members gather to unwind after a long day, to the team's collective determination to overcome obstacles and save the research station, "Antarctica - Ice Station Rescue" is a thrilling and inspiring look at the human spirit in action.

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  • First Aired
    June 7, 2017
  • Language