Horizon Season 2017 Episode 5
Season 2017

Ep 5. Strange Signals from Outer Space!

  • May 16, 2017

In the fifth episode of Horizon's 2017 season, titled "Strange Signals from Outer Space!", the focus is on signals coming from distant galaxies that have puzzled astronomers and astrophysicists for decades. These strange signals are known as Fast Radio Bursts (FRBs) and the episode delves into the ongoing efforts of scientists to understand what they are and where they originate from.

The episode begins by recounting the discovery of FRBs in 2007, when they were observed using radio telescopes. Since then, more than 20 of these signals have been detected coming from various parts of the universe. The episode then moves on to examine the various theories that have been put forward to explain the origin of these signals. One theory is that FRBs are caused by massive stars collapsing into black holes. Another theory posits that they are a form of communication from an alien civilization.

To explore these theories, the episode features interviews with leading experts in the field, along with footage of telescopes and other scientific equipment in action. The experts describe the ongoing efforts to study FRBs, including the use of radio telescopes to pinpoint the exact location of the signals. They also discuss the challenges of studying such elusive and unpredictable phenomena, which require immense patience and advanced technology to detect and analyze.

The episode then goes on to explore some of the intriguing findings that have emerged from the study of FRBs. For example, some signals have been found to repeat, while others are only seen once. Some signals are also much brighter than others, suggesting that they may be generated by different types of sources. The experts speculate on what these variations might reveal about the nature of FRBs and their underlying causes.

Throughout the episode, stunning visuals showcase the wonders and mysteries of the universe, from distant galaxies to the latest scientific instruments used to study them. A sense of excitement and wonder is conveyed as scientists work to unravel the mysteries of these strange signals and unlock the secrets of the cosmos.

Overall, the fifth episode of Horizon's 2017 season, "Strange Signals from Outer Space!", provides an informative and entertaining exploration of one of the most fascinating and mysterious topics in modern astronomy. Through interviews with experts and mesmerizing visuals, the episode offers a glimpse into the cutting-edge research that is shedding light on the secrets of the universe. Whether you're a science enthusiast or simply curious about the world beyond our planet, this episode is a must-watch!

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  • First Aired
    May 16, 2017
  • Language