Horizon Season 2017 Episode 13
Season 2017

Ep 13. Mars - A Traveller's Guide

  • September 12, 2017

Mars - A Traveller's Guide is the 13th episode of the 2017 season of the popular British television series Horizon, which takes viewers on an exploratory journey through the universe of science and technology. In this episode, Horizon presents a comprehensive guide to the Red Planet, Mars.

The episode begins by shedding light on our fascination with Mars - from ancient astronomers to modern-day space explorers. We see how throughout history, humanity has been drawn to this planet, which sits tantalizingly close to Earth, making it an obvious subject for exploration and study.

The episode then takes viewers on a tour of Mars, revealing the planet's unique topography and geology. We see stunning images of the planet's famous canyons, including the Valles Marineris, the largest known canyon system in the solar system, which would stretch across the entire United States if it were located on Earth. We also see the towering volcano of Olympus Mons, the largest volcano in the solar system, which dwarfs even Earth's largest volcano, Mauna Loa.

As we learn more about these geological features, we begin to see how they could potentially play a role in supporting life on Mars. Scientists speculate that underground water systems may still exist on the planet, and could be a source of microbial life. We see how the latest data from NASA's rovers, orbiters, and landers are helping to answer these questions and giving us a better understanding of the planet's habitability.

The episode also delves into the challenges of exploring Mars. We learn about the difficulties of landing on the planet's surface, including the thin atmosphere, dust storms, and tricky terrain. We see how NASA's rovers have been able to explore the planet's surface despite these challenges, and how new technologies such as autonomous navigation are being developed to make future missions even more efficient and effective.

The episode also looks at the future of Mars exploration. We see how private companies such as SpaceX and Blue Origin are making significant progress in developing reusable rockets that could potentially make travel to Mars much more affordable and accessible. We also learn about the various plans for human colonization of the planet - from Elon Musk's ambitious goal of establishing a million-person city on Mars to more modest proposals for establishing small research outposts.

Throughout the episode, we hear from a variety of experts in Mars science and exploration. They provide insights into the latest discoveries on the planet, as well as the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. We also hear from astronauts and space engineers who share their experiences of working on space missions and the excitement of the possibility of exploring the Red Planet.

In summary, Mars - A Traveller's Guide is a fascinating and informative documentary that provides a comprehensive introduction to one of our neighboring planets. From its stunning topography to its potential for supporting life, the episode leaves viewers with a deep appreciation for the complexity and beauty of this distant world.

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  • First Aired
    September 12, 2017
  • Language