Horizon Season 2017 Episode 12
Season 2017

Ep 12. What Makes a Psychopath?

  • August 29, 2017

What Makes a Psychopath? is an episode of the long-running BBC documentary series, Horizon. This episode, which originally aired in 2017, explores the controversial and complex question of what makes a person a psychopath.

The episode begins by introducing a few individuals who have been diagnosed as psychopaths, including a convicted murderer and a successful business executive. Although these two individuals seem vastly different, both share a lack of empathy, a tendency toward manipulation, and a willingness to use violence to get what they want.

The rest of the episode delves into the science behind the psychopath label. Several researchers in the field of psychology explain that the term "psychopath" is often used interchangeably with "sociopath" or "antisocial personality disorder," but that there is actually a lot of nuance involved in diagnosing someone as such.

One key element that many researchers look for is a lack of empathy. Psychopaths may be able to mimic empathy in certain situations, but ultimately they do not feel a genuine emotional connection to other people. This can make them very charming and manipulative, since they are able to put on a façade of caring and concern without actually feeling it.

Another aspect of psychopathy that is often discussed is impulsivity. Psychopaths tend to make decisions quickly and without much consideration for the consequences. This can make them very successful in certain fields, such as business or politics, where making bold moves and taking risks can pay off. However, it can also lead to destructive behavior, such as substance abuse or criminal activity.

The episode also explores the idea that psychopathy may be at least partially genetic. Some people may be born with a predisposition toward psychopathic traits, which can then be exacerbated by environmental factors such as abuse or neglect. However, the episode stresses that not all people with a genetic predisposition will necessarily develop psychopathic tendencies, and that upbringing and life experiences play a significant role in shaping behavior.

The researchers featured in the episode also discuss treatments for psychopathy, which they admit are limited. Since the condition is seen as largely incurable, the focus is on managing symptoms and preventing violent or criminal behavior. Some researchers have also experimented with cognitive therapy techniques that aim to teach empathy and emotional regulation, but the results of these studies are still inconclusive.

Overall, What Makes a Psychopath? is a thought-provoking and informative episode of Horizon that raises many questions about the nature of empathy, impulsivity, and genetics. While the topic of psychopathy is a difficult one to grapple with, the episode manages to approach it with sensitivity and nuance, making it a worthwhile watch for anyone interested in psychology or true crime.

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  • First Aired
    August 29, 2017
  • Language