Horizon Season 2017 Episode 11
Season 2017

Ep 11. Dippy and the Whale

  • July 13, 2017

In Horizon season 2017 episode 11 titled "Dippy and the Whale," viewers are taken on a journey through time as they explore the relationship between humans and animals. Specifically, the episode delves into the history of the whale, from its evolution to its near extinction at the hands of humans.

The centerpiece of the episode is the story of Dippy the Diplodocus, a plaster cast replica of a dinosaur that was on display at the Natural History Museum in London for over a century. In 2017, Dippy was taken down from display and replaced with a blue whale skeleton - a move that sparked controversy and debate.

The episode explores the significance of this change, examining the importance of the whale in human culture and history. Viewers learn about the ancient Greeks and Romans who hunted whales for their meat and oil, and the 18th and 19th century whaling expeditions that drove whales to the brink of extinction.

Through interviews with experts, the episode also explores the unique biology of whales. Viewers discover how whales evolved from land animals to ocean dwellers, and how their enormous size, intelligence, and complex social structures have helped them survive in the harsh ocean environment.

Beyond the science, the episode also touches on the emotional connection between people and whales. We meet a group of people who regularly gather on a beach in California to watch whales swimming offshore, and hear how these majestic creatures inspire awe and wonder in those who observe them.

Throughout the episode, viewers are left to ponder the question of whether Dippy's replacement with a whale skeleton is a symbol of progress or a betrayal of history. Is it our duty to remember and honor the past, or to move forward and acknowledge our mistakes?

In the end, "Dippy and the Whale" leaves viewers with a greater appreciation for the complex and fascinating world of whales, and a sense of the significance of these magnificent creatures to our understanding of ourselves and our world.

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  • First Aired
    July 13, 2017
  • Language