Honest Trailers Season 9 Episode 2
Honest Trailers
Season 9

Ep 2. The Amazing Spider-Man 2 - Honest Trailers

  • July 4, 2017

"The Amazing Spider-Man 2 - Honest Trailers" is the second episode of the ninth season of the popular web series, Honest Trailers. The episode offers a satirical take on the 2014 superhero film, The Amazing Spider-Man 2, directed by Marc Webb.

The episode opens with the narrator set in a mock-eye doctor's office, using Spider-Man's famous tagline "with great power comes great responsibility" to introduce the film's main plot. The narrator then points out the film's multiple villains such as Electro, Rhino, and Harry Osborn, and refers to them as "The League of Extraordinary Bland Villains." He characterizes the film's plot as inconsistent, calling it a "patchwork of different tones and subplots" that seems to be "trying to set up a whole bunch of future movies instead of focusing on the one it's making."

As the Honest Trailer progresses, the narrator pokes fun at the film's lack of originality and their consistent insistence on re-doing the same story over and over again. He points out that Andrew Garfield's version of Spider-Man seems to care more about being cool than web-slinging, shouting out his web-slinger's name before each swing. The narrator also takes issue with the film's use of product placement, such as a scene that exists mainly for the purpose of promoting a Google product.

The narrator also criticizes the film's lack of chemistry between Garfield's Spider-Man and Emma Stone's Gwen Stacy, citing their off-screen relationship as the reason this pairing might have been approved. He also takes issue with the film's "dual personality" and its frequent use of tonal whiplash as it tries to play both light and dark.

Overall, "The Amazing Spider-Man 2 - Honest Trailers" delivers an amusing take on a film that was widely considered a disappointment upon its release. As it wraps up, the narrator refers to the film as a "mess", but also admits that it can be a "fun mess" if one is willing to turn off their brains and enjoy the spectacle.

In conclusion, "The Amazing Spider-Man 2 - Honest Trailers" is a fun-filled episode of the Honest Trailer series that offers a humorous take on this superhero flick. The episode is full of jokes and critiques that are likely to entertain fans of the series, as well as anyone who was disappointed by the film itself.

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  • First Aired
    July 4, 2017
  • Language