Honest Trailers Season 1 Episode 98
Honest Trailers
Season 1

Ep 98. Honest Trailers: Jupiter Ascending

  • May 19, 2015

In season 1, episode 98 of Honest Trailers, the team takes on the science fiction film Jupiter Ascending. They start off by acknowledging the impressive visuals and special effects of the film, but quickly dive into the convoluted and confusing plot. They humorously poke fun at the confusing world-building and convoluted mythology, joking that the script was written by a “madman on bath salts”.

The trailer also takes aim at the film’s main characters, played by Mila Kunis and Channing Tatum. They mock Tatum’s bizarre wolf-like appearance and the questionable romantic chemistry between the two leads. The Honest Trailers team also doesn’t hold back in their criticism of the film’s editing and pacing, stating that the movie felt like “it was edited with a blender”.

Throughout the trailer, various jokes are made at the expense of the film’s many plot holes and inconsistencies. They also make fun of the film’s attempts at political messaging and commentary, calling it “half-baked” and “ham-fisted”.

One of the highlights of the trailer is the Honest Trailers team’s critique of Sean Bean’s character, who is notorious for dying in nearly every movie he appears in. They joke that his fate was sealed from the moment he was cast in the film.

Overall, the Honest Trailers team doesn’t hold back in their criticisms of Jupiter Ascending. Despite the film’s impressive visuals, they find its convoluted plot and inconsistent world-building to be major flaws. Fans of the film may not appreciate the humor, but those looking for a lighthearted take on the science fiction epic will find plenty to enjoy in this episode.

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  • First Aired
    May 19, 2015
  • Language