Honest Trailers Season 1 Episode 93
Honest Trailers
Season 1

Ep 93. Honest Trailers - Daredevil (2003)

  • April 7, 2015

In this episode of Honest Trailers, the team takes on the 2003 film adaptation of Daredevil. The trailer starts out by acknowledging the movie's reputation as a box office flop and a critical failure. It then proceeds to point out all the flaws and missteps, from the choppy editing and inconsistent tone, to the over-the-top performances and cheesy dialogue. The narrator even humorously suggests that the Daredevil character should have been played by a literal daredevil instead of Ben Affleck.

Throughout the trailer, clips from the movie are interspersed with sarcastic commentary and pop culture references. The team makes fun of the fact that the film takes itself so seriously, even though it features a protagonist who dresses up like a bat and fights crime. They also poke fun at the movie's attempts to be edgy and gritty, which come off as forced and cliché.

One recurring critique is the film's treatment of Daredevil's disabilities. While the character is blind and relies on his other senses to fight crime, the movie portrays this in a somewhat ableist and unrealistic manner. The team points out how he seems to have almost supernatural abilities, like being able to "see" the world around him through sound waves. They also criticize the movie's use of exaggerated sound effects to signify Daredevil's heightened senses, which can be grating and distracting at times.

As the trailer comes to a close, the team sums up their overall opinion of Daredevil: it's a forgettable and disappointing superhero movie that doesn't live up to its potential. However, they still manage to find some humor in the film's campy visuals and unintentionally hilarious moments. They also suggest that viewers might enjoy the movie more if they make a drinking game out of how many times someone says the word "justice."

Overall, this episode of Honest Trailers does a great job of pinpointing what went wrong with Daredevil as a movie. It's a fun and irreverent take on a film that was widely regarded as a misfire, and it showcases what makes Honest Trailers such an entertaining series. Even if you're a die-hard Daredevil fan, you'll still find plenty to chuckle at in this honest and hilarious trailer.

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  • First Aired
    April 7, 2015
  • Language