Honest Trailers Season 1 Episode 92
Honest Trailers
Season 1

Ep 92. Honest Trailers - Interstellar

  • March 31, 2015

In season 1 episode 92 of Honest Trailers, the team takes a hilarious look at the sci-fi epic, Interstellar. The trailer pokes fun at the film's complex plot, the emotional rollercoaster of Matthew McConaughey's character, and the scientific concepts explored throughout the movie.

The narrator begins by setting the scene, describing the film as "the ultimate love letter to space, science, and crying your eyes out." They point out that the movie is packed with scientific jargon, but admit that most viewers probably have no idea what's going on.

The trailer then dives into McConaughey's character, Cooper, who is a former pilot turned farmer in a dystopian future. The narrator hilariously describes him as "the one man who could save humanity, if he could just stop crying for like, two seconds." They go on to poke fun at his relationship with his daughter, Murph, and the intense bond the two share.

The trailer then tackles the complex plot of Interstellar, which involves a team of astronauts traveling through a wormhole in search of a new habitable planet for humanity. The narrator points out that the movie is "two thirds love letter to science, one third love letter to Matthew McConaughey," and jokes that the film is so complicated, even the characters struggle to keep up.

Throughout the trailer, the team at Honest Trailers takes hilarious jabs at the film's confusing time jumps, plot holes, and ambiguous ending. They also poke fun at the emotional score, composed by Hans Zimmer, which is so intense, it "makes you feel like you're a character in Inception."

The trailer ends with the team poking fun at the film's grandiose themes and its tendency to take itself too seriously. They suggest that the film's ultimate message might be that "love is the most powerful force in the universe, but also sometimes you just need a hug."

Overall, season 1 episode 92 of Honest Trailers - Interstellar is a hilarious takedown of the sci-fi epic that is sure to leave viewers laughing. The team at Honest Trailers expertly skewers the film's complex plot and emotional story, while still acknowledging the movie's impressive visual effects and compelling performances from its cast.

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  • First Aired
    March 31, 2015
  • Language