Honest Trailers Season 1 Episode 84
Honest Trailers
Season 1

Ep 84. Honest Trailers - The LEGO Movie (feat. Epic Rap Battles of History - Nice Peter & EpicLLOYD)

  • February 3, 2015

Honest Trailers is a hilarious YouTube series that is dedicated to producing satirical takes on popular movies and TV shows. In season 1 episode 84, the team sets their sights on The LEGO Movie, a critically acclaimed and beloved animated film that won the hearts of audiences everywhere. This episode of Honest Trailers is special for a couple of reasons, not only is it a fantastic review of The LEGO Movie, but it also features the talents of Nice Peter and EpicLLOYD from Epic Rap Battles of History.

The episode opens with the classic Honest Trailers introduction, which sets the tone for the rest of the video. The narrator starts by highlighting the film's positive attributes, like its clever writing and the impressive animation, but quickly transitions into pointing out some of the flaws that audiences might have overlooked. From there, the video launches into a full-blown roast session of The LEGO Movie, with the writers and narrator poking fun at everything from the characters to the plot.

What sets this episode apart from others in the series is the guest appearance by Nice Peter and EpicLLOYD. The two YouTube stars join in on the fun by creating a hilarious rap battle that serves as a sort-of mini Honest Trailer of its own. The rap battle takes aim at some of the more absurd aspects of The LEGO Movie, including the fact that the entire plot is basically just an ad for LEGO products. The rap is clever, witty, and showcases the musical talents of both Nice Peter and EpicLLOYD.

Throughout the episode, the Honest Trailers team finds plenty to mock about The LEGO Movie, but they never go too far. They manage to balance their criticisms with praise for what the film did right, and the result is an entertaining and informative review that will leave viewers both laughing and thinking. The narration is clever and well-written, and the guest appearance by Nice Peter and EpicLLOYD adds a special touch that fans of Honest Trailers are sure to appreciate.

Overall, season 1 episode 84 of Honest Trailers is a must-watch for fans of The LEGO Movie and anyone who enjoys a good laugh. The Honest Trailers team does an excellent job of critiquing the film without being unnecessarily harsh, and the addition of Nice Peter and EpicLLOYD elevates the episode to a whole new level of entertainment. This episode is just one example of why Honest Trailers has become such a beloved series among film and TV enthusiasts, and it's definitely worth checking out for anyone looking for a good laugh.

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  • First Aired
    February 3, 2015
  • Language