Honest Trailers Season 1 Episode 71
Honest Trailers
Season 1

Ep 71. Honest Trailers - X-Men: Days of Future Past

  • October 21, 2014

In this episode of Honest Trailers, the team tackles the 2014 superhero blockbuster X-Men: Days of Future Past. The video begins by acknowledging the convoluted timeline of the X-Men film franchise and sets up the premise of the film, which involves time travel and the merging of the original X-Men trilogy with the prequel series.

The narrator takes aim at the film's exposition-heavy opening scene, calling it "the most confusing two minutes of the entire franchise." The video then goes on to highlight some of the standout performances, including Jennifer Lawrence's Mystique and Evan Peters' Quicksilver. However, the narrator also makes note of some of the more forgettable characters, like Warpath and Blink.

The video doesn't hold back when it comes to pointing out plot holes and inconsistencies in the film's time travel logic. For example, the narrator questions why the future X-Men don't just go back in time and stop the assassination of JFK, or why Wolverine's metal claws don't rip through his skin when he's sent back in time to the 1970s.

The video also makes fun of some of the film's more ridiculous moments, such as Beast using a giant needle to inject himself with his mutant serum, or Magneto using his powers to control an entire stadium made of metal. The narrator also points out the film's reliance on slow-motion action scenes and emotional character moments set to swelling music.

One of the standout sections of the video is when the narrator takes aim at the film's treatment of its female characters. Although the film features strong performances from Jennifer Lawrence and Ellen Page, the narrator notes that they are often relegated to the sidelines and overshadowed by the male characters. The video also criticizes the way the film sexualizes Mystique and uses her body as a plot device.

Overall, the Honest Trailer for X-Men: Days of Future Past is a funny, pointed critique of the film's flaws and inconsistencies. While it doesn't shy away from the film's strengths, it also doesn't hesitate to call out the areas where it falls short. With its signature snark and humor, Honest Trailers provides an entertaining take on this beloved superhero franchise.

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  • First Aired
    October 21, 2014
  • Language