Honest Trailers Season 1 Episode 66
Honest Trailers
Season 1

Ep 66. Honest Trailers - Captain America: The Winter Soldier

  • August 19, 2014

In this episode of Honest Trailers, the team turns their critical eye towards the Marvel Cinematic Universe's Captain America: The Winter Soldier. The trailer opens with a sarcastic disclaimer, reminding viewers that they're "going to love this movie no matter what we say." From there, the narrator launches into a series of pointed jabs at the film's plot, characters, and action sequences.

The trailer begins by setting up the basic premise of The Winter Soldier, positioning it as a political thriller in the vein of '70s movies like All the President's Men. However, the narrator quickly pokes holes in this comparison, noting that the film's plot is "about as complex as a Choose Your Own Adventure book." He goes on to describe the film's villains as "the least memorable bad guys in the MCU since Whiplash," and mocks the film's attempt at creating a modern-day Hydra, saying that it "makes the Illuminati look like the Friends cast."

Despite these criticisms, the trailer's narrator does find some things to like about The Winter Soldier. He praises the performances of Chris Evans and Scarlett Johansson, as well as the film's use of practical effects and choreography in its action scenes. However, he also finds plenty to nitpick about, including the film's "over-reliance on elevator fights" and its "predictable ending that's spoiled by the movie's own title."

Overall, the Honest Trailer for Captain America: The Winter Soldier is a mix of both praise and criticism. The team clearly has some affection for the film and the MCU as a whole, but they're not afraid to call out its flaws and shortcomings. Fans of the series will likely enjoy the trailer's irreverent take on one of its more popular entries, while newcomers may find it a useful primer on what to expect from a typical Marvel movie.

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  • First Aired
    August 19, 2014
  • Language