Honest Trailers Season 1 Episode 129
Honest Trailers
Season 1

Ep 129. Honest Trailers - Star Wars

  • November 17, 2015

In this episode of Honest Trailers, no movie franchise is safe as we delve into one of the most popular and revered series of all time – Star Wars. The team at Screen Junkies takes on the task of critiquing one of the most beloved films of all time with their trademark snark and wit.

The nostalgia-inducing intro sets the tone for this episode as the Honest Trailer for Star Wars touches on the film's groundbreaking special effects and iconic score. The narrator acknowledges the film's influence on contemporary cinema and pop culture and comments on how Star Wars has been ingrained into our cultural consciousness.

The voice-over for this episode continues its commentary on the series, picking apart the story, the characters, and the dialogue. They highlight plot holes and the questionable science behind some of the action sequences. For example, they pointed out how the Stormtroopers, who are supposed to be the elite soldiers of the Galactic Empire, can't hit the broad side of a barn with their blaster rifles. They also highlight the convoluted nature of the franchise's plotlines and criticize the over-reliance on the Skywalker family's incestuous relationship.

The narrator has a lot to say about the characters in the film, picking on some of the most iconic figures in the Star Wars universe. Even fan-favorite characters like Han Solo and Princess Leia don't escape the Honest Trailers treatment as they are ridiculed for their cringe-worthy flirting and shoehorned romance. The narrator also takes some jabs at Luke Skywalker for his whiny nature, and Chewbacca is described as a character who is only there to growl, nod and made for merchandise.

In classic Honest Trailers fashion, the team at Screen Junkies also pokes fun at the movie's dialogue, particularly some of the most memorable and oft-quoted lines. They point out some lazy writing decisions when characters repeat exposition with little variation. They also focus on the sometimes clunky and awkward interactions between the characters. The treatment of the Dark Side of the Force is also picked apart, as the narrator states that all it takes to turn to the Dark Side is to have a bad day.

Overall, Honest Trailers - Star Wars is a playful, lighthearted take on a film franchise that means so much to so many people. It is an entertaining watch for fans of the series who don't take the movies too seriously. The narrator doesn't shy away from calling out the franchise's flaws and absurdities but does so with the understanding that the movies are cherished because of their faults, not in spite of them.

As with all Honest Trailers episodes, there are plenty of laughs to be had, and the narrator delivers the witty commentary with precision and comedic timing. Fans of Star Wars will definitely enjoy seeing the series getting the Honest Trailers treatment, and for those who haven't seen the movies, this episode might just be the light-hearted prompting they need to check out the iconic space opera.

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  • First Aired
    November 17, 2015
  • Language