Honest Trailers Season 1 Episode 126
Honest Trailers
Season 1

Ep 126. Honest Trailers - Inside Out

  • October 27, 2015

Honest Trailers is a popular web series that takes a humorous look at movies and television shows, pointing out their flaws and poking fun at their cliches. Season 1 episode 126 focuses on the animated movie, Inside Out.

The episode starts out with the classic Honest Trailers introduction, featuring a deep voiced narrator who introduces the concept of the show. The narrator then dives straight in to the plot of Inside Out, which centers around the emotions of a young girl named Riley. The emotions - Joy, Sadness, Anger, Fear, and Disgust - are represented as characters who control her actions and reactions.

The Honest Trailers team wastes no time in poking fun at the concept of anthropomorphized emotions, with the narrator sarcastically commenting, "Because when I think about personifying mental states, I think 'kids movie' ". They go on to comment on the fact that Joy - the main character and emotion - is voiced by Amy Poehler, inevitably leading viewers to draw comparisons to her role as the bubbly and enthusiastic Leslie Knope in Parks and Recreation.

The episode also delves into each of the main characters, highlighting their defining traits and personalities. For example, they describe Anger as "the furious red member of the group", and Disgust as "the one who hates on everything". The team gets a lot of mileage out of poking fun at these exaggerations, pointing out how ridiculous it is that an entire movie was built around the concept of caricatured emotions.

The Honest Trailers crew also takes some shots at the dialogue and writing of the film, pointing out cheesy lines and cringe-worthy jokes. They compare the script to a middle schooler's diary, with lines like "There's no crying in hockey!" and "I can't read her mind! She's a pre-teen!".

One of the biggest targets for the team is the character of Bing Bong - a colorful imaginary friend who helps Riley throughout the movie. While initially a fan favorite, the Honest Trailers staff clearly feel that the character is overhyped and obnoxious. They jokingly refer to him as a "magical pink elephant cotton candy unicorn" and comment on how much he resembles a "Muppet on meth".

Despite all the poking and prodding, the Honest Trailers team ultimately can't deny the movie's impact and success. They begrudgingly acknowledge that it has earned over $850 million at the global box office, and that critics and audiences alike have praised its emotional depth and creativity.

The episode wraps up with a call to action for viewers to leave their own critiques in the comments section, followed by a comedic post-script in which the narrator admits to wiping away a few tears during the emotional scenes.

Overall, this episode of Honest Trailers is a hilarious and irreverent take on the beloved family movie, Inside Out. The team behind the show manages to balance their cynicism with an appreciation for the film's success, resulting in a highly entertaining analysis that will leave viewers both laughing and reflecting on the movie's themes.

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  • First Aired
    October 27, 2015
  • Language