Honest Trailers Season 1 Episode 125
Honest Trailers
Season 1

Ep 125. Honest Trailers: Back To The Future

  • October 21, 2015

In season 1 episode 125 of Honest Trailers, the cult classic film Back to the Future gets an honest and humorous revision in the hands of the show's creators. The episode begins with the signature trailer voiceover introducing the film as a "time-traveling adventure of incest and pop culture references." The episode goes on to break down the main characters and plot points of the movie, all through the lens of the show's trademark wit.

The episode starts by pointing out how the film is viewed as a beloved classic in pop culture, with even the most critical of viewers reluctant to condemn it. However, Honest Trailers takes a closer look at some of the more questionable themes and elements of the film. The show points out how the film's central relationship between Marty and his mother borders on incestuous, a detail often overlooked or excused by fans due to the endearing nature of the film. The episode also pokes fun at the film's time travel plot device, pointing out how the act of simply calling someone on a futuristic walkie-talkie to prevent a disastrous future comes off as a bit too convenient.

As the episode moves forward, it delves further into some of the film's standout moments and characters. The villain, Biff, is portrayed as a ridiculous caricature of a bully, with the show pointing out how his actions in the film would likely lead to him being arrested rather than simply humiliated. The episode goes on to highlight how the film's soundtrack, though beloved by many, can come off as a bit on the nose in some moments, including the scene where Marty first arrives in the past and the music swells in an overtly nostalgic manner. The show also points out how the film essentially has two endings, with the initial wrap-up of the story feeling so satisfying that it almost renders the actual ending of the film unnecessary.

As the episode concludes, the show takes a moment to offer some genuine appreciation for the film's lasting legacy and undeniable impact. It muses on just how many other movies and TV shows would be completely different if not for the influence of Back to the Future, and how many cliches and tropes were born from its creation. The episode ends with the trailer voiceover acknowledging the film for being an "adventure worth reliving, even if parts of it have aged like the hoverboard."

Overall, season 1 episode 125 of Honest Trailers offers a humorous and critical analysis of the classic film Back to the Future. While still acknowledging and appreciating the film's impact and influence, the show isn't afraid to poke holes in some of its more questionable elements and themes. With plenty of comedic moments and sarcastic commentary, the episode serves as a hilarious and entertaining take on a beloved pop culture icon.

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  • First Aired
    October 21, 2015
  • Language