Honest Trailers Season 1 Episode 121
Honest Trailers
Season 1

Ep 121. Pearl Harbor - Honest Trailers

  • January 12, 2016

Honest Trailers takes on Michael Bay's epic, yet controversial, film Pearl Harbor in their 121st episode. The episode opens with the narrator stating that the film is the "Titanic" for people who find Leo and Kate's love story too uplifting. The trailer then launches into a comical critique of the film's handling of history, as well as its over-the-top action sequences and length.

The narrator points out the film's historical inaccuracies, such as portraying the Japanese planes as cartoonishly evil and lacking empathy for the American soldiers. He also notes the film's focus on a love triangle between the main characters, which he argues takes away from the seriousness of the tragedy. The narrator mockingly suggests that the film should have been titled "Ben Affleck's Abs: The Movie" in reference to the numerous shirtless scenes featuring the actor.

The trailer also highlights the film's tendency to rely on melodramatic moments, such as when Affleck's character, Rafe, is presumed dead. The narrator jokes that the film's soundtrack could be sold as an album of "emotional manipulation," with songs like "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" used to tug at the audience's heartstrings.

The trailer also critiques the film's overly long runtime, which clocks in at over three hours. The narrator suggests that the audience could probably watch two separate war movies in the time it takes to sit through Pearl Harbor. He also notes the film's use of slow-motion shots during action sequences, which he jokes is a tactic used to make the film's running time even longer.

Despite its criticisms, the trailer acknowledges some of the film's strengths, such as its impressive special effects and intense battle scenes. The narrator compliments Bay's ability to create a spectacle, noting that the film's final battle is the closest thing to a "live-action Independence Day" that audiences will ever see.

Overall, Honest Trailers' take on Pearl Harbor is a humorous and biting critique of the film's flaws, while still acknowledging some of its strengths. Even for those who enjoyed the film, the episode provides an entertaining and lighthearted analysis of the movie.

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  • First Aired
    January 12, 2016
  • Language