Honest Trailers Season 1 Episode 120
Honest Trailers
Season 1

Ep 120. Labyrinth - Honest Trailers

  • January 19, 2016

Honest Trailers is a YouTube series created by Screen Junkies, which expertly and hilariously showcases the plot holes, cliches, and absurdities in well-known films. In season 1, episode 120, the Honest Trailers team dives into the mystical world of Labyrinth.

The episode begins with a nostalgic nod to the film's incredible puppetry and impressive visual effects, but quickly draws attention to the fact that the film's plot is, in fact, a little convoluted. We're shown clips of David Bowie's mesmerizing Goblin King, Sarah's (played by Jennifer Connelly) annoyingly shrill voice, and a multitude of mazes that don't make much sense.

As the commentary continues, Honest Trailers expertly pokes fun at the many plot holes and inconsistencies in Labyrinth. We're shown scenes in which Sarah mindlessly crushes the Goblin King's crystals, only to have no consequence to follow. Or when Hoggle, played by Brian Henson, helps Sarah out of the kindness of his heart, only to immediately betray her for no reason.

We're also reminded of the often-bizarre musical numbers and the strange concept of "helpful rocks" that exist solely to give cryptic advice. The narrator quips, "Who needs logic when you've got rocks that tell the future?" and we can't help but laugh.

The Honest Trailers team also takes a moment to highlight David Bowie's iconic performance as the Goblin King. We're shown clips of his impressive vocals and dance moves, but the narrator reminds us that "the Goblin King spends more time seducing Sarah than he does actually goblin-ing."

In classic Honest Trailers fashion, we're given hilarious alternate titles for the film such as "The Adventures of a 15-year-old girl and her furry wall" and "The Maze Runner: Episode 0." The commentary also points out some subtle adult themes throughout the film, such as Sarah's obsession with Jareth and the underlying symbolism in the Escher Room.

Overall, the Honest Trailers team delivers an entertaining review of Labyrinth that is both amusing and informative. By poking fun at the film's many flaws, while still acknowledging and appreciating its impressive design, the commentary creates a satisfying balance of humor and nostalgia.

Fans of Labyrinth will find themselves laughing along with the Honest Trailers team as they point out the film's absurdities. And for those who haven't seen the film before, this episode will function as a hilarious introduction to an iconic piece of 80s cinema.

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  • First Aired
    January 19, 2016
  • Language