Honest Trailers Season 1 Episode 119
Honest Trailers
Season 1

Ep 119. Honest Trailers - The Martian

  • January 5, 2016

In season 1 episode 119 of Honest Trailers, the team takes on the box office hit, The Martian. Starring Matt Damon as astronaut Mark Watney, who is stranded on Mars after his crew assumes him dead, the film garnered critical and commercial success upon its release.

The episode begins with the usual tongue-in-cheek introduction, highlighting the film's premise and pointing out that it's yet another movie where Matt Damon gets stranded and has to be rescued. The narrator then praises the film's realistic depiction of space travel and the Martian landscape, while also poking fun at some of the movie's scientific inaccuracies, such as the idea that a single potato crop could sustain a person for years.

As with all Honest Trailers episodes, the team doesn't hold back when it comes to making fun of the film's flaws and inconsistencies. They joke about the film's abundance of expository dialogue, with characters constantly explaining things to each other that they should already know. They also take aim at the film's use of disco music as a running joke, calling it "the most overused music in space since Star Wars' Cantina Band."

One of the episode's standout moments comes when the narrator discusses the film's marketing campaign, which prominently featured the slogan "Bring him home." The team playfully imagines what would happen if the film took that slogan too literally, and had Mark Watney brought back to Earth in a way that was less than ideal.

Of course, the episode wouldn't be complete without some jabs at Matt Damon himself. The trailer jokes about Damon's tendency to play characters who are constantly in need of rescue, and even compares him to a human version of Clippy, the annoying Microsoft Office assistant.

Despite all the snark, the episode ultimately concludes that The Martian is an enjoyable and well-crafted film that deserves its popularity. The team praises the film's uplifting message and the way it celebrates human ingenuity and perseverance. They also note that the film's success helped spark renewed interest in space exploration and science in popular culture, which is definitely a good thing.

Overall, this episode of Honest Trailers is another entertaining and irreverent take on a beloved movie. The team's witty commentary and humorous observations keep audiences engaged from start to finish, while their genuine appreciation for the film shines through as well. If you're a fan of The Martian or just enjoy a good laugh, this episode is definitely worth checking out.

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  • First Aired
    January 5, 2016
  • Language