Honest Trailers Season 1 Episode 114
Honest Trailers
Season 1

Ep 114. Honest Trailers - Avengers: Age of Ultron

  • April 29, 2015

In Honest Trailers season 1 episode 114, the team takes on the superhero epic Avengers: Age of Ultron. The trailer hilariously breaks down the plot, characters, and tropes of the film, mocking the film's high stakes, convoluted storyline, and reliance on exposition. The Honest Trailer team critiques the film's drawn-out fight scenes, insubstantial female characters, and the lack of consequences for the team's actions. They also poke fun at the film's spotty CGI and overuse of slow-motion shots.

The episode begins by introducing the audience to the basic plot of the film: the Avengers attempt to stop the eponymous Ultron, an AI program gone rogue, from destroying the world. However, the trailer quickly points out the film's convoluted plot, making fun of the numerous "MacGuffins" that the characters chase after throughout the film. The Honest Trailer then proceeds to critique the film's exposition-heavy dialogue, pointing out how much of the film is comprised of characters explaining plot points to each other.

Next, the Honest Trailer team takes aim at the film's many ridiculous action scenes, including a lengthy fight between the Hulk and Iron Man's Hulkbuster suit. They also mock the film's portrayal of its female characters, pointing out that Black Widow's storyline revolves almost entirely around her being in a romantic relationship with Bruce Banner, while Scarlet Witch is portrayed as a "nagging girlfriend" to her brother Quicksilver.

The Honest Trailer then turns its attention to Ultron, the film's main villain. They make fun of his bizarre, snarky characterization, as well as the film's attempts to make him sympathetic. They also critique the film's decision to have Ultron's plan involve dropping a city on the earth, questioning why he couldn't have just built a giant robot like a normal supervillain.

Finally, the trailer concludes by acknowledging the film's massive box office success while still managing to ruthlessly lampoon it. Overall, Honest Trailers - Avengers: Age of Ultron is a hilarious and insightful deconstruction of one of Marvel's biggest films. The Honest Trailer team roasts the film's weak spots while still acknowledging its appeal to audiences. Fans of the film will surely enjoy this entertaining and tongue-in-cheek criticism of their favorite superhero team.

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  • First Aired
    April 29, 2015
  • Language