Honest Trailers Season 1 Episode 106
Honest Trailers
Season 1

Ep 106. Honest Trailers - Magic Mike

  • June 23, 2015

Honest Trailers is a popular web series that pokes fun at popular movies and TV shows. In this particular episode, the team takes on Magic Mike. For those who haven't seen the movie, Magic Mike is a drama-comedy about a young male stripper named Mike who takes a newcomer under his wing. The movie was a surprise hit and was praised for its performances and cinematography, but that doesn't stop the Honest Trailers crew from having a laugh.

The episode starts off with the narrator introducing the movie and its cast, including Channing Tatum, Alex Pettyfer, and Matthew McConaughey. We then get treated to a montage of some of the film's raunchier moments, much to the audience's delight. The narrator notes that this movie was directed by Steven Soderbergh, who also directed Ocean's Eleven, and wonders if it was a weird passion project or if he just needed some cash.

They then move on to the movie's plot, which is described as a mix between Showgirls and Rocky. They make fun of the fact that the movie takes place in Tampa, Florida, which the narrator notes is the home of "raw sewage and second-degree sunburns." He also comments on the film's odd combination of stripping and construction work, which is apparently a thing in Tampa.

Next up, the Honest Trailers crew takes a closer look at the film's performances. While Channing Tatum is praised for his dancing skills, the other actors don't fare as well. Alex Pettyfer's character is described as "what happens when you put a squirrel in a hat and vest," and Matthew McConaughey's performance as the club owner is called "peak McConaissance." They also make fun of the fact that McConaughey seems to be playing himself.

The crew then moves on to the film's themes, which they find a bit confusing. While the movie seems to want to comment on the economy and the struggles of blue-collar workers, it also spends a lot of time showing off half-naked men. The narrator notes that "It's like the filmmakers thought, 'What's a better way to tackle the issue of unemployment than by having your main character grind his weenus in people's faces?'"

They also make fun of the fact that the female characters in the movie are mostly just passive objects for the male characters to ogle. They note that the movie doesn't pass the Bechdel test and that the women are mostly there to be "in awe of the male form."

The crew finishes up the episode with some of their trademarked "sins," or nitpicks, about the movie. They take issue with some of the film's wardrobe choices, noting that "jeans don't work like that" and that it's impossible to wear a backwards baseball cap unironically. They also make fun of the strange editing choices in the movie, including a bizarre montage where the characters prepare for a hurricane.

Overall, Honest Trailers' take on Magic Mike is both hilarious and insightful. While they poke fun at the movie's flaws, they also acknowledge its strengths and the reasons why it became a hit. If you're a fan of Magic Mike, you'll definitely get a kick out of this episode. And if you're not, it might just convince you to give it a watch (or not, depending on your tastes).

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  • First Aired
    June 23, 2015
  • Language