Honest Trailers Season 1 Episode 103
Honest Trailers
Season 1

Ep 103. Honest Trailers - Terminator 2: Judgment Day

  • June 23, 2015

Honest Trailers is a series that provides entertaining and comedic commentary on popular movies and TV shows. In season 1 episode 103, the Honest Trailer team takes on the iconic sci-fi action movie Terminator 2: Judgment Day.

The episode begins with the announcement that this movie is one of the best sequels ever made, but that doesn't mean it's perfect. The Honest Trailer team dives into the plot and characters, providing hilarious criticisms and observations along the way.

They start by pointing out the plot holes in the time travel aspect of the story and the questionable logic behind the T-1000's ability to shape-shift. The team also jokes about the similarities between Arnold Schwarzenegger and Robert Patrick's characters, calling them "the beefcake and the bonehead."

Next, they move on to the movie's portrayal of Sarah Connor, played by Linda Hamilton. While she is a strong and badass character, the Honest Trailer team pokes fun at her odd psych ward makeover and her overly emotional moments.

The team also takes a closer look at John Connor, played by Edward Furlong, and his portrayal as a rebellious teenager who inexplicably inspires an entire resistance. They question why so many people would follow a kid who spends the majority of the movie whining and disobeying orders.

The Honest Trailer team also calls attention to the movie's pacing issues, pointing out that the action scenes are amazing but the slower moments can drag on for too long. They also poke fun at the convenience of the T-1000's ability to shape-shift into anyone it touches, stating that it's basically a cheat code for the villain.

Throughout the episode, the Honest Trailer team sprinkles in references to other iconic sci-fi movies and TV shows, such as Back to the Future and Battlestar Galactica. They also take time to appreciate some of the movie's amazing practical effects, such as the liquid metal T-1000 and the iconic scene of the robot arm being lowered into molten steel.

In the end, the Honest Trailer team concludes that Terminator 2: Judgment Day is a fantastic movie, but that doesn't mean it's immune to criticism. They acknowledge the impact that the movie has had on pop culture and the action genre, while still providing a hilarious and honest take on some of its flaws.

Overall, season 1 episode 103 of Honest Trailers is a must-watch for fans of Terminator 2: Judgment Day and anyone who enjoys witty and insightful commentary on popular movies.

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  • First Aired
    June 23, 2015
  • Language