Watch Home Economics
- 2021
- 3 Seasons
6.9 (6,438)
Home Economics is a heartwarming and entertaining television series that premiered on ABC in 2021. The show follows the lives of three adult siblings - Tom, Sarah, and Connor - who have drastically different financial backgrounds and backgrounds in general. Tom (Topher Grace) is the middle child who has recently made a lot of money as a best-selling author. He is married to Marina (Karla Souza), and they have two young children. Sarah (Caitlin McGee) is the oldest of the siblings and is struggling to make ends meet as a therapist while raising her teenage daughter. Connor (Jimmy Tatro) is the youngest sibling, who is a millionaire tech genius but struggles with social interactions and romantic relationships.
The show explores the dynamics and relationships between the three siblings who come from different economic backgrounds while still remaining a loving and supportive family. Each episode revolves around a different financial crises that one of the siblings finds themselves in, and how they all try to come together to help each other out. Despite their differences, the family remains close-knit and always has each other's backs. The show juxtaposes the challenges and triumphs of Tomâs wealthy and luxurious lifestyle with the very real and ordinary financial struggles of Sarah and Connor.
One of the most interesting things about Home Economics is how relatable it is. The show depicts family members fighting over the cost of a joint birthday present, worrying about saving for retirement, struggling to make ends meet, and feeling pressure from others to make more money. Everyone can easily find a character, situation or conversation in which they can relate or empathize with.
Tom is a character that audiences canât help but love. He is goofy, charming, and loves his family. He is often torn between his heart and his wallet. His character is well-written; he could have easily been made into an obnoxious rich jerk who flaunts his wealth, but instead, he is genuine, kind, and empathetic. His wife Marina is his perfect counterpart, she is smart, feisty and has no qualms with keeping her husband's feet on the ground. Sarah, with her sense of humor, is another gem of a character. She is the glue that holds the family together and often the main emotional support for their siblings. Despite the setbacks, she remains optimistic throughout the show. Connor is the character someone has to root for. He is socially awkward, struggles with basic communication skills and is the youngest of the family. So itâs no surprise that despite having millions, he feels like he needs his siblings and their tacit approval to navigate the world. An important aspect of the series is how it subverts expectations, portraying the struggles of a millionaireâs life as often harder than living paycheck to paycheck.
The show also deserves praise for its humor, especially the witty dialogue and funny one-liners. One of the best things about the show is how it manages to make audiences laugh even in the most emotionally charged moments. Home Economics has a tendency to use humor to lighten up the more serious moments, which can be tonally challenging to achieve.
Another great aspect of Home Economics is its cast. Each actor brings something unique to their respective roles, making every character three-dimensional and dynamic. Topher Grace (Tom), Caitlin McGee (Sarah), and Jimmy Tatro (Connor) all give believable performances that poignantly capture the dynamics of sibling relationships. The supporting cast, including Sasheer Zamata, Karla Souza, and Shiloh Bearman also deliver standout performances that add a lot to the show. The chemistry of the cast is obvious and helps to make the show feel relatable and grounded in reality.
In conclusion, Home Economics is a fantastic, heartfelt, and relatable series that explores the complexities of family life and the significance of money in our lives. The show manages to balance humor and drama exceptionally well while still making the audience invested in the characters and their stories. With its amazing cast, clever writing, and nuanced storytelling, it's no wonder why Home Economics has quickly grown to become one of the most anticipated shows of 2021. If youâre looking for a new show to binge-watch that can make you laugh, cry, and see glimpses of yourself or those close to you in a compelling storyline, Home Economics is definitely worth giving a shot.
Home Economics is a series that ran for 3 seasons (42 episodes) between April 7, 2021 and on ABC