Heal Your Self Extended Interviews

Watch Heal Your Self Extended Interviews

  • 2011
  • 1 Season

"Heal Your Self Extended Interviews" is a show on Food Matters TV that offers in-depth conversations between host Ty Bollinger and various experts in the field of natural health and healing. Through their discussions, viewers gain a deeper understanding of the healing powers of natural medicine, as well as the importance of taking a holistic approach to health.

Each episode features a different guest, all of whom have extensive experience in the field of natural health and healing. Some of the guests include doctors, researchers, and practitioners, all of whom share their insights and wisdom with Ty and the viewers.

As the title suggests, the focus of the show is on self-healing. The guests discuss the ways in which we can use natural remedies and techniques to help our bodies heal themselves, rather than relying solely on conventional medicine. This includes everything from nutrition and lifestyle changes to alternative therapies like acupuncture and herbal medicine.

One of the key themes that emerges from the show is the idea that we all have the power to heal ourselves. The guests stress the importance of taking responsibility for our own health, and of being proactive in seeking out natural remedies and techniques that can help us heal and stay healthy.

Throughout each episode, Ty engages in thoughtful and insightful conversations with his guests, delving deep into their areas of expertise and asking probing questions to help viewers gain a deeper understanding of the topics at hand. He brings his own experience and knowledge to the table, making for a dynamic and engaging dialogue that viewers will find both informative and entertaining.

Overall, "Heal Your Self Extended Interviews" is a must-watch for anyone interested in natural health and healing. With its expert guests, engaging host, and thoughtful discussions, the show offers a wealth of insights and ideas that can help viewers achieve optimal health and wellness. Whether you're a seasoned practitioner or new to the world of natural medicine, you're sure to find something of value in this informative and inspiring show.

Heal Your Self Extended Interviews is a series that is currently running and has 1 seasons (12 episodes). The series first aired on January 1, 2011.

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Thomas Lodi Interview
12. Thomas Lodi Interview
January 1, 2011
For the first ten years of his medical career, Dr. Thomas Lodi worked in conventional settings as an internal medicine specialist, urgent care physician, and as an intensivist in ICU and CCU departments of various hospitals. Dr. Lodi continued his search for more effective and less toxic therapies by training around the world, before founding An Oasis for Healing, in Mesa, Arizona.
Susan Ryan Jordan Interview
11. Susan Ryan Jordan Interview
January 1, 2011
On the brink of her fortieth birthday, Susan Ryan Jordan, mother of actress Meg Ryan, heard the dreaded words: You have breast cancer. After being given a book that challenged her to heal herself, Susan set out on a journey of both discovery and awareness, that has kept her cancer-free for more than thirty years.
Kevin Gianni
10. Kevin Gianni
January 1, 2011
Kevin Gianni started researching personal and preventative natural health therapies in 2002 when he was struck with the reality that cancer ran deep in his family and if he didn't change the way he was living, he might go down that same path. Since then, he's written and self-published six books on natural health, diet, and fitness produced over 900 YouTube videos with over 10 million views.
John Kohler
9. John Kohler
January 1, 2011
John Kohler has been on the living and raw foods diet since 1995 after bring diagnosed with spinal meningitis and almost losing his life. One of John's goals is to educate the world about the power of living and raw foods. John has turned his regular front yard into a vibrant, living nursery producing enough food to feed not only his own family but that of his friends too.
John Gray Interview
8. John Gray Interview
January 1, 2011
Most people know John Gray because of his books on love and relationships, including Men Are From Mars. But John realized a long time ago that relationships were dependent upon more than strong connections, good communication skills, and a better understanding of our differences. They were also influenced by our health.
Jeffrey Hollender Interview
7. Jeffrey Hollender Interview
January 1, 2011
Jeffrey Hollender co-founded Seventh Generation, a manufacturer of eco-friendly household products. Jeffrey points out that indoor pollution can often be far worse than the pollution from the street. Because we are bringing carcinogens into our home with the cleaning products, petroleum based foams, and mattresses. It's important to make clear choices in all of these areas, as Jeffrey points out.
Ian Gawler Interview
6. Ian Gawler Interview
January 1, 2011
Dr. Ian Gawler is one of Australia's best known, long-term cancer survivors. Ian began one of the world's first lifestyle-based cancer self-help groups in 1981. Known for his clarity and good humor, he has a gift for translating ancient wisdom into a modern, scientific context and has played a major role in pioneering and popularizing Meditation and other Mind-Body techniques in the Western world.
Gerald Celente Interview
5. Gerald Celente Interview
January 1, 2011
Gerald Celente is the Director of the Trends Research Institute, a group that analyses world-shaping events and forecasts tomorrow's trends. A health researcher from way back, Gerald has honest, down to earth advice regarding your health.
Carl Simonton Interview
4. Carl Simonton Interview
January 1, 2011
Dr. O. Carl Simonton is best known for his pioneering insights and research in the field of psychosocial oncology. He used to be chief of Radiation Therapy at Travis Air Force Base. He founded The Simonton Cancer Center, which focuses on how beliefs, attitudes, spiritual, and psychological perspectives can dramatically affect our health, the course of our disease, and our overall well-being.
Bernie Siegel Interview
3. Bernie Siegel Interview
January 1, 2011
Dr. Bernie Siegel has cared for people whose mortality has been threatened by an illness. In 1978, nearly a decade before retirement, Bernie launched Exceptional Cancer Patients. Bernie's writings in the 12 books he has published so far reflect his passion for reaching people struggling with all of the life's challenges.
Aubrey Hampton Interview
2. Aubrey Hampton Interview
January 1, 2011
A pioneer in natural hair and skin care, Aubrey Hampton paved the way for a fledgling natural products industry in the 1960s by making plant-based, synthetic-free personal care products. Listen to one of the original founders of chemical-free skin care, Aubrey Organics, talk about the importance of using natural products on your skin. Plus see rare footage of Aubrey in the product kitchen!
Angela Stokes Monarch Interview
1. Angela Stokes Monarch Interview
January 1, 2011
After a thyroid condition saw her weight increase to nearly 300lbs, Angela turned to a raw food diet that saw the pounds drop off and let her take control of all aspects of her health and her life. Angela is an inspiration to so many people, helping them achieve better health through a true understanding that you really are what you eat.
Where to Watch Heal Your Self Extended Interviews
Heal Your Self Extended Interviews is available for streaming on the Food Matters TV website, both individual episodes and full seasons. You can also watch Heal Your Self Extended Interviews on demand at Amazon Prime.
  • Premiere Date
    January 1, 2011