Watch Head of the Class
- 2021
- 1 Season
4.9 (503)
Head of the Class is a comedy series that premiered on HBO Max in 2021. The show revolves around a group of gifted high school students who attend a prestigious school in Washington D.C. This group is led by teacher and former Wall Street banker, Alicia Adams, played by Isabella Gomez.
As the title suggests, the students in Alicia's class are at the top of their academic game. However, they are not necessarily the popular kids in school, and they all have their unique quirks and personalities. The class consists of a diverse group of students, including a brilliant but socially awkward math whiz named Dionne, played by Dior Goodjohn, a charming class clown named Terrence, played by Gavin Lewis, and a perfectionist named Neha, among others.
At the start of the show, Alicia is tasked with teaching and guiding this group of students to success both inside and outside of the classroom. The first few episodes see Alicia trying to figure out the best ways to connect with her students and keep them motivated. She uses unconventional methods such as rap battles and guest speakers to get the message across to her students.
One of the unique aspects of Head of the Class is the way it tackles important and timely issues in a lighthearted, comedic way. For example, in one episode, Alicia must navigate a potential lawsuit against the school after the students' joke blog goes viral. In another, the students are assigned a project on the prison industrial complex and must confront the harsh realities of the criminal justice system.
Aside from the comedic elements, Head of the Class also provides a refreshing representation of diverse characters. The show features a largely minority cast, and the students' backgrounds and experiences are explored in a way that feels authentic and relatable.
As the season progresses, viewers see the students grow and evolve both academically and personally. They bond over their shared struggles and work together to overcome obstacles. Alicia's character also undergoes significant growth as she learns to balance her responsibilities as a teacher and as a mentor to her students.
Overall, Head of the Class is a refreshing and enjoyable series that offers a unique perspective on academia and the modern high school experience. It's a show that manages to balance important social commentary with humor and heart, making it a must-watch for anyone who enjoys a good comedy.