Watch Hakaba Kitaro
- 2008
- 1 Season
Hakaba Kitaro is a Japanese animated series that premiered on Fuji TV in 2007. The show is a reboot of a classic manga series of the same name, created by Shigeru Mizuki. The show follows the adventures of Kitaro, a half-human, half-yokai (supernatural creature) boy who works as a mediator between humans and yokai. Kitaro lives in a cemetery with his father, who is a ghost, and other yokai inhabitants. Together, they face a variety of supernatural threats and try to maintain the balance between the two worlds.
Kitaro is voiced by Kazue Ikura, who brings a youthful energy and a sense of optimism to the character. Isamu Tanonaka provides the voice of Medama-Oyaji, Kitaro's father, and delivers a hilarious performance as a wisecracking ghost with an eyeball for a head. Masako Nozawa voices Nezumi-Otoko, Kitaro's rival and occasional ally, who is a mischievous yokai with a rat-like appearance. Chikao Ohtsuka rounds out the main cast as Neko-Musume, a cat-like yokai who is Kitaro's closest friend.
The animation style of Hakaba Kitaro is unique and distinct, with a dark and gritty aesthetic that fits well with the show's supernatural themes. The character designs are also imaginative and memorable, with each yokai possessing distinct features and abilities.
One of the strengths of Hakaba Kitaro is its ability to blend humor and horror effectively. The show manages to be both scary and funny, often within the same scene. This is due in part to the excellent voice acting and writing, which balance the serious and comedic elements of the show well.
In addition to its entertaining storytelling, Hakaba Kitaro also addresses larger themes and issues. The show explores ideas of identity and belonging through its portrayal of Kitaro, who struggles with his half-human, half-yokai heritage. The show also touches on environmentalism, as many of the conflicts between humans and yokai are caused by destruction of natural habitats.
Overall, Hakaba Kitaro is an excellent animated series that is both entertaining and thought-provoking. Its mix of humor and horror, along with its imaginative storytelling and unique animation style, make it a standout show within the anime genre.
Hakaba Kitaro is a series that ran for 1 seasons (11 episodes) between January 10, 2008 and on Fuji TV