Gunsmoke Season 1 Episode 9
Season 1

Ep 9. The Hunter

  • November 26, 1955
  • 7.0  (236)

Marshal Matt Dillon and his deputies keep the peace in the frontier town of Dodge City, Kansas. In season 1 episode 9, titled "The Hunter," a young man named Billy Dunn arrives in Dodge City and begins bragging about his prowess as a hunter. He claims to have killed a buffalo single-handedly, despite the fact that even experienced hunters typically use a team to take down such large game.

Billy's arrogance and boasting quickly rubs many of the townspeople the wrong way, including a group of cowboys who challenge him to prove himself by going on a hunt with them. Marshal Dillon, wary of Billy's temperament and afraid he may not be up to the challenge, warns him to be careful. However, Billy's pride gets the better of him, and he agrees to go on the hunt.

As the group sets out, tensions quickly begin to rise. Billy is confident in his abilities but the cowboys are unimpressed and skeptical of his claims. They begin to taunt him, and before long things escalate into a dangerous game of one-upmanship. Billy becomes increasingly competitive, and as the hunt wears on, his recklessness puts the entire group in danger.

Meanwhile, back in Dodge City, Matt Dillon has his hands full with a group of outlaws who are causing trouble in town. He knows that he needs to keep one eye on the situation with Billy and the hunters, but he can't neglect his duties as a lawman. As the situation in the wilderness worsens, however, Matt begins to fear for Billy's safety and decides to set out after the group himself.

In the end, it's Billy's misguided pride that puts the entire group in danger. As they face off against a large buffalo, he ignores Matt's advice and charges forward without a plan. This quickly leads to disaster, and soon the hunters find themselves desperately trying to avoid being trampled by the angry animal. In the chaos that follows, they are forced to work together to survive, and Billy learns an important lesson about humility and respecting the power of nature.

Overall, "The Hunter" is a thrilling episode that showcases the dangers and challenges of life on the frontier. It's a classic Gunsmoke story that examines themes of pride, masculinity, and respect for the natural world. While it may be a bit slower-paced than some other episodes in the series, it's still a must-watch for fans of classic western dramas.

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  • First Aired
    November 26, 1955
  • Language
  • IMDB Rating
    7.0  (236)