Gunsmoke Season 1 Episode 6
Season 1

Ep 6. Night Incident

  • October 29, 1955
  • 7.0  (258)

In Gunsmoke season 1 episode 6, titled Night Incident, the residents of Dodge City are on edge as a mysterious stranger arrives in town. The man, named Sam, is immediately met with suspicion and hostility as he appears to be hiding something. However, things take a dangerous turn when Sam becomes the target of a group of ruthless outlaws who are determined to kill him.

The episode opens with Matt Dillon and Chester investigating a noise outside the saloon. They discover Sam, who has been knocked out and robbed by the outlaws. Despite some initial reluctance, Dillon agrees to help Sam, and the two set out to find his attackers before they can strike again.

As they track the outlaws, Sam reveals that he is actually a doctor on the run from the law. He had been convicted of a crime he didn't commit and had fled for his life, hoping to make a new start in Dodge City. However, the outlaws, who had been hired by the real criminal, were closing in on him.

As they continue their pursuit, tensions rise between Dillon and Sam. Dillon, who prides himself on upholding the law, struggles to reconcile his desire to protect Sam with his duty to bring him to justice. Meanwhile, Sam's fear and desperation begin to cloud his judgement, leading him to take increasingly risky actions.

The episode climaxes in a tense standoff between the group and the outlaws. With the odds stacked against them, Dillon must rely on his own wits and the unlikely help of Sam to overcome their attackers and prove his loyalty to the law.

In the end, the group emerges victorious, but not without paying a heavy price. As he prepares to leave Dodge City, Sam realizes that he can never truly escape his past. He thanks Dillon for his help and sets off into the night, uncertain of what the future holds for him.

Overall, Night Incident is a thrilling and intense episode that showcases the complex moral dilemmas faced by law enforcement in the Wild West. With its memorable characters, dramatic twists, and action-packed set pieces, it is a must-watch for fans of the Gunsmoke series.

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Gunsmoke, Season 1 Episode 6, is available to watch free on Pluto TV and stream on CBS. You can also stream, download, buy, rent Gunsmoke on demand at Apple TV Channels online.
  • First Aired
    October 29, 1955
  • Language
  • IMDB Rating
    7.0  (258)