Watch Gundam 0083
- 1991
- 1 Season
Gundam 0083, produced by Bandai, is a Japanese mecha anime television series that aired from May 1991 until February 1992. The show takes place in the year 0083 of the Universal Century timeline and is set several years after the end of the One Year War between the Earth Federation and Zeon.
The show revolves around the story of a young pilot named Kou Uraki, who joins the Earth Federation's special ops unit, the Titans, after graduating from the military academy. He's sent to investigate a hijacking of one of the Earth Federation's new prototype Gundam mobile suits, the GP01. As part of his mission, Kou is sent undercover to work as a civilian engineer at the space colony where the hijacked GP01 is being held, but soon finds himself caught up in a dangerous plot involving rogue Zeon forces and a rogue Earth Federation officer.
The cast of Gundam 0083 is led by Toru Furuya, who voices the lead character Kou Uraki. Kou is a skilled pilot and engineer who is initially eager to join the Titans, but becomes disillusioned with their tactics and brutality. Fuyumi Shiraishi co-stars as Nina Purpleton, a civilian engineer who works on the GP01 Gundam and becomes involved in the conflict between the Titans and rogue Zeon forces.
Veteran voice actors Hirotaka Suzuoki, Kaneto Shiozawa, and Katsuji Mori voice characters on the Zeon side, while Kiyonobu Suzuki, Rumiko Ukai, Shozo Iizuka, Toshio Furukawa, and Shuichi Ikeda also lend their voices to various Earth Federation characters throughout the series.
Gundam 0083 is known for its high-quality animation and detailed mechanical designs, which are a staple of the Gundam franchise. The show also features a number of intense space battles, which showcase the impressive combat abilities of the various Gundam mobile suits.
One of the strengths of Gundam 0083 is its exploration of the moral complexities of war and the consequences of military conquest. The show portrays both the Zeon and Earth Federation forces as having their own motivations and justifications for their actions, rather than simply portraying one side as good and the other as evil.
Overall, Gundam 0083 is a must-watch for fans of mecha anime and the Gundam franchise in particular. Its gripping story, likable characters, and stunning animation make it a standout entry in the long-running series.