Growing Up Canadian

Watch Growing Up Canadian

  • 2013
  • 1 Season

Growing Up Canadian is a Canadian television series produced by GAPC Entertainment Inc. that showcases the diverse cultures and experiences of growing up in Canada from a child's perspective. The show features different children from various backgrounds from across the country, who share their unique stories, traditions, values, and dreams.

The series follows a format where each episode introduces a new child from a different part of Canada, and the audience is invited to glimpse into their daily lives as they navigate through different challenges, friendships, and family dynamics. Some children live in rural areas, while others in big cities, some speak multiple languages, and others are learning about their heritage. Regardless of their differences, they all share a common thread - they are proud Canadians who love their country and want to share their perspective.

Through the show, viewers get to learn about the various cultural celebrations and traditions that are unique to Canada. Whether it is a First Nation powwow, a family gathering for Dinner at the Mosque, or cooking bannock on an open fire, the show provides a glimpse into Canadian culture in a respectful and authentic way. Young viewers get to learn about the First Nations' experience, Jewish traditions, and the Chinese New Year in a way that is educational and fun.

Growing Up Canadian is not just a show about diverse cultures; it is also about celebrating similarities. The children featured in the series share universal experiences that many can identify with - wanting to fit in at school, overcoming adversity, and making new friends. The show creates a sense of community, showing that no matter where we come from, we all share common experiences that help shape us into the people we will become.

One of the most celebrated aspects of Growing Up Canadian is the fact that it is unapologetically Canadian. From the opening credits which feature a 3D animation of Canada's national emblem, to frequent reminders of the country's diverse regions and natural beauty, the show immerses viewers in Canadian culture and history. The series makes it clear that being Canadian is something to be proud of, and that the country's diversity is its strength.

The show has won numerous awards and nominations, including a Canadian Academy Award, a Golden Sheaf Award, a Kidscreen Award, and others. It's also considered to be one of the most influential shows for children in Canada, with many young viewers citing it as a major influence on their understanding and appreciation of their diverse country.

Growing Up Canadian has appeal beyond Canadian borders. Its celebration of diversity and emphasis on community resonates with audiences around the world, especially at a time when acceptance and understanding of different cultures is more important than ever. The show has been sold to broadcasters and streaming services in multiple countries, cementing its reputation as a truly global phenomenon.

In conclusion, Growing Up Canadian is an outstanding television series that provides an engaging, heartwarming, and educational look at what it means to grow up in Canada. It's a celebration of diversity, an appreciation of all things Canadian, and a reminder that no matter where we come from, we are all the same in so many ways. The show is a must-watch for anyone who wants to learn about different cultures or simply wants to feel inspired and uplifted.

Growing Up Canadian
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6. Work
March 21, 2003
From working six days a week in a factory to serving up sundaes at the Dairy Queen on weekends, Canadian children have done it all. Throughout the episode, stories of working for cheapskate bosses, deciding to quit and getting fired.
5. School
March 7, 2003
Growing up has become marked in school years but at the beginning of the 20th century most children were in school for only a few years - and part time.
4. Play
February 25, 2003
Canada's biggest playground, winter, leads the way as we look at a century of play for Canadian kids. This episode traces the evolution of toys Canadian children played with, dreamed of, and discarded.
3. Media
February 5, 2003
Canadian children in the 20th century witnessed an explosion of communication and entertainment innovations. Media connected children to an ever-expanding world and redefined what it meant to grow up Canadian.
2. Health
January 27, 2003
Early century campaigns to fight poverty and disease and help children grow up healthy led to the introduction of the school nurse, nose blowing drills and lice inspections. Over the course of the century, we examine the impact of public health care.
1. Family
January 13, 2013
Canadians of all ages tell stories of growing up with mom, dad, siblings and even the family pet. Set against the backdrop of a country moving from rural dominion to urban nation, this episode follows changes in family homes, cars and neighborhoods.
  • Premiere Date
    January 13, 2013